
Chatook, a male Wookiee, resided in Kachirho on the planet Kashyyyk during the era of the Galactic Civil War, specifically in the year 1 ABY. He was the father of Takook, who maintained a friendship with another Wookiee named Lobarorr.


In the year 1 ABY, Chatook grew concerned over the mysterious disappearance of his son, Takook. Consequently, he employed a visiting spacer on Kashyyyk to investigate his son's fate. Chatook explained to the spacer that Takook was last seen in the company of his friend, Lobarorr, heading towards the Rryatt Trail.

The spacer commenced their investigation near the entrance of the trail, but their efforts proved fruitless. Upon returning to Kachirho, the spacer discovered Takook's lifeless body relatively close to the city. A datapad was found near the body, containing Takook's final recorded words. He revealed that Lobarorr, his supposed friend, had become envious of his weapon, a long spear formerly wielded by Chatook. Consumed by jealousy, Lobarorr assaulted Takook and absconded with the weapon. Shortly thereafter, he regained his senses and, upon realizing the gravity of his actions and presuming his friend to be dead, fled to the Shadowlands along the Ryatt Trail, driven by both grief and a desire to evade punishment. Takook implored whoever might discover his recording to recover his father's weapon and return it to him.

The spacer journeyed down the Ryatt Trail, venturing into the depths of the Shadowlands, ultimately locating Lobarorr. Unwilling to engage in dialogue, Lobarorr attacked the spacer, but was easily defeated. Lobarorr met his end, and the spacer retrieved the weapon from his deceased body. The spacer then returned to Chatook, bearing the weapon and the sorrowful news of his son's passing. Chatook expressed his gratitude for the spacer's honor in avenging his son's death and rewarded them with 2,500 credits and a replica of the weapon, known as the Kashyyyk Bladestick. Chatook then requested solitude to mourn, a wish that the spacer respected.

Behind the scenes

Chatook existed as a non-playable character within Star Wars Galaxies before the game's termination on December 15, 2011. He, along with the planet Kashyyyk, were integrated into the game in 2005 through the Rage of the Wookiees expansion.

