Caregg Oldathan

Caregg Oldathan, a pilot of the male persuasion, hailed from the planet of Commenor. He was a pilot who was pulled from his retirement in 40 ABY. His mission: to command a BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter and combat the forces of the Galactic Alliance during the Second Galactic Civil War. On one particular day, while leading Grayfeather Squadron, Oldathan was sweeping a sector of space above Commenor when he stumbled upon a massive cloaked asteroid hurtling toward his homeworld. Realizing his K-wing was powerless to halt the asteroid, which had splintered into numerous rock fragments, Oldathan made the decision to pursue the escaping Galactic Alliance starships that had masked the asteroid, aiming to prevent future deployments of the same tactic.


Called out of retirement

Caregg Oldathan was called out of retirement to protect his homeworld of Commenor.

By 40 ABY, Caregg Oldathan, a pilot of the BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter variety, was enjoying a well-deserved retirement. However, that year saw the eruption of the Second Galactic Civil War, pitting the Galactic Alliance against the Confederation, an alliance which included Oldathan's homeworld of Commenor. The Commenorian Navy promptly recalled Oldathan from retirement, granting him the rank of lieutenant and placing him in command of the K-wing unit known as Grayfeather Squadron. The Galactic Alliance launched a relentless series of attacks, aiming to engage Commenor's planetary defenses and prevent them from supporting the Confederate war effort. These persistent assaults deprived Oldathan and his K-wing of vital rest and maintenance, dwindling Grayfeather Squadron's numbers to a mere five K-wings.

On yet another day marked by attacks on Commenor, Oldathan, designated Grayfeather One, led Grayfeather Squadron against the Galactic Alliance Third Fleet. Lieutenant Danen served as his bombardier-gunner for the mission. Oldathan's K-wing was equipped with concussion missiles due to a shortage of proton torpedos on Commenor. However, roughly one minute before engaging the enemy, Oldathan and Grayfeather Squadron were redirected to investigate a potential unidentified vessel on Commenor's night side, a few thousand kilometers from their current location. Upon reaching the target area, they discovered only a Commenori courier shuttle attempting to evade Galactic Alliance forces. Despite the lack of an immediate Galactic Alliance threat, Oldathan ordered the squadron to search the surrounding space in spiraling patterns, with Oldathan and Danen searching together while the remaining four K-wings split into pairs.

Discovering a cloaked asteroid

Caregg Oldathan flew a BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter.

During the search, Danen reported a momentary disappearance of a star from the Jeweled Lizard constellation. Oldathan confirmed the observation, noting another star in the same constellation vanish and reappear. He suspected a cloaked capital ship was obstructing their view. He informed Starfighter Control of the anomaly, and Grayfeather Squadron was promised reinforcements, albeit from aging reserve squadrons. By triangulating the anomaly's position using reports from the other Grayfeather Squadron K-wings, Oldathan brought his starfighter close to the cloaked object. The crew of Grayfeather One estimated its diameter to be at least thirty to forty thousand kilometers. Oldathan relayed to Starfighter Control that the cloaked object heading for Commenor was the size of a meteor, and he received authorization to engage.

Oldathan instructed Danen to launch two concussion missiles. Shortly after the warheads impacted, the object's cloak was deactivated, revealing a nickel-iron asteroid with a mass of millions of tons. A frigate with a cloaking device mounted on its nose then emerged from the asteroid, followed by numerous smaller starships. Before Grayfeather One could react, the asteroid shattered into numerous smaller fragments, all directed toward Commenor. Realizing his K-wing could not stop the asteroid chunks from hitting his homeworld, Oldathan informed Starfighter Control of the impending disaster. He and Danen then chose to engage the frigate with the cloaking device alone, hoping to delay the enemy vessels long enough for the rest of Grayfeather Squadron to arrive and destroy the frigate, preventing further use of the cloaking technique. Ultimately, Commenori forces failed to stop the asteroid fragments, which struck the planet's population centers with the destructive power of city-buster bombs.

Personality and traits

Caregg Oldathan understood that the Galactic Alliance's attacks upon Commenor were intended to weaken Commenori forces, preventing them from aiding the Confederation. He possessed sufficient knowledge of cloaking devices to recognize their use. When Grayfeather Squadron was diverted from the battle above Commenor to search for a starship, Oldathan grew impatient, feeling as if he were abandoning the fight. Oldathan was disturbed by indications that both sides of the Second Galactic Civil War were disregarding certain interplanetary rules of war, and he was troubled by rumors of Commenori indulging in bloodsports.

When the asteroid aimed at Commenor revealed itself and broke apart, Oldathan realized that neither he nor Commenor could prevent its impact. Instead of wasting ammunition on the asteroid fragments, he chose to engage the fleeing frigate, hoping to buy his squadron enough time to destroy the enemy ship, knowing that he and Danen would likely die in the process.

Behind the scenes

Caregg Oldathan made his debut in Legacy of the Force: Fury, a 2007 novel penned by Aaron Allston.

