Capture of ZA-13

The seizure of ZA-13 represents a conflict that transpired during the Zaarin insurrection at the location of ZA-13.

Initial Events

Following the thwarting of Zaarin's endeavor to plunder ZA-13, Maarek Stele received the assignment to spearhead a fresh assault team with the objective of capturing the facility. Emperor Palpatine had stipulated that the production of TIE Advanced fighters was of utmost military significance, and ZA-13 stood as one of the few remaining manufacturing sites capable of augmenting their numbers, especially considering the destruction of numerous facilities such as the Omar complexes by Zaarin.

The Engagement

The Imperial offensive was once more spearheaded by Maarek Stele, who again commanded a squadron of 3 TIE/D Defenders into the operational theater. Given that ZA-13 did not exhibit complete allegiance to Zaarin, the need to disable the factory was obviated. Furthermore, no defensive fighters were present at the station. However, as the capture operation commenced, several Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings materialized and began to harass Stele and his wingmen. Shortly after the arrival of the Gunboats, CR90 corvettes belonging to Caplure group entered the fray, intending to deliver substantial fire support. Given that Stele's squadron was equipped with proton rockets, these corvettes posed little threat.

Once the Corvettes were dealt with, the Carrack-class light cruiser Jumimi engaged in the conflict. This vessel similarly presented minimal danger to Stele and his squadron, who effectively employed their remaining rockets to weaken its shields, subsequently disabling it and finalizing its destruction with laser fire.

During the course of the battle, multiple Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transports materialized and launched rockets at ZA-13. They received support from a limited number of TIE Avengers, thereby complicating the task for loyalist forces to eliminate them without suffering casualties themselves.

Throughout the engagement, vessels docked with the factory to augment its personnel, supplementing the staff already present who had remained loyal to Palpatine. Zaarin's forces actively harassed several of these shuttles, necessitating Stele to maintain vigilance over both the shuttles and the capital ships assailing the factory.

Following the annihilation of all Zaarin's forces, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Render arrived to relieve the Defenders.

Subsequent Events

With the successful completion of the capture operation, ZA-13 now operated under Imperial jurisdiction and was slated for upgrades and retrofitting to produce TIE Advanced starfighters. A Convoy identified as Rope 17 was scheduled for deployment to deliver the requisite materials and provisions, but soon found itself under attack by Rebel forces.

Behind the scenes

This battle is featured in Star Wars: TIE Fighter. Specifically, it is Battle 8 Mission 3.

