Attack on ZA-13

The assault on ZA-13 represents a conflict that transpired during the Zaarin insurrection at the Imperial installation referred to as ZA-13, located within the Omar system.


At that point in time, ZA-13 was engaged in the production of Hyperdrive mechanisms, utilizing technology sourced from the Habeen species native to Mylok IV, intended for Demetrius Zaarin's Imperial armed forces. Initially, these hyperdrives were designated for TIE Avengers craft, but they possessed compatibility with TIE Defenders as well. Upon Zaarin's defection, he initiated attacks on the Omar installations, resulting in their destruction. Subsequently, Vice Admiral Thrawn received orders to seize control of the facility, prompted by reports indicating Zaarin's ongoing raids and the dismantling of the Empire's capacity to produce TIE Avengers, with the objective of undermining Palpatine's strategic edge.

Furthermore, the Secret Order sought to neutralize the plundering vessels to recover the stolen cargo and uncover information regarding the main body of Zaarin's forces.

The battle

Maarek Stele spearheaded the offensive, deploying three TIE/D Defender starfighters to clear the area of enemy presence. The factory's defenses were relatively weak, consisting primarily of TIE Fighters, which Stele and his wingmen swiftly eliminated. The factory itself maintained a position of neutrality during the engagement, attributed to the divided loyalties of its personnel between Zaarin and the Empire.

Stele also rendered inoperable the various freighters and transports attempting to escape with the equipment, including Modular conveyors, the Z-Cod carrying equipment, the YT-1300 light freighter Z-Coral transporting TIE Advanced components, and the modified corvettes Z-Oz laden with Hyperdrive units. Imperial Escort shuttles designated Sigma and Assault ransports named Tiger arrived to secure the recovered goods, leaving the disabled vessels to Stele, who was simultaneously engaging TIE Avengers emerging from the facility. Subsequently, a Stormtrooper transport identified as Z-Elpi launched from the hangar in an attempt to flee into Hyperspace, only to be disabled by Stele, boarded by an Escort shuttle Omega 1, and redirected back into the facility.


The Secret Order expressed satisfaction that the stolen transports, equipment, and materials, representing months of progress on TIE Advanced production at ZA-13, were prevented from falling into Zaarin's possession.

Stele was poised to return shortly thereafter, leading the assault force in the Capture of ZA-13, which would culminate in the seizure of the station itself.

Behind the scenes

This particular battle is depicted in the PC game Star Wars TIE Fighter, specifically as Battle 8, combat 2. This analysis assumes the successful completion of all "Primary", "Secondary", and "Bonus" objectives.

