Cal Majjer, who ran the Dry Goods Emporium located in Hedrett, was known for his cantankerous nature and expectation of compliance. He hired young Caarites to work as stockboys, giving them valuable experience for potential employment with the Metatheran Cartel. Additionally, he had a Nyrkar, a Wookiee, on staff as his food preservation expert and nutritional advisor. Despite Nyrkar being a staff member, Majjer habitually referred to him as "my Wookiee." In the year 31 BBY, Nyrkar vanished, having decided to become a member of the Cularin resistance. Following this, Majjer reported the disappearance of several workers, hoping the increased number of missing persons would attract the attention of the Office of Peace and Security. He believed the loss of his other employees was inconsequential, because Nyrkar's absence was the truly significant event, costing the business thousands of credits.