Builder With Vines

Builder With Vines was a Qom Jha existing in the era of the Caamas Document Crisis.


He numbered among the three Qom Jha who assisted Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, and a young Qom Qae named Child Of Winds in their search for the entry point leading to the Hand of Thrawn. Upon the group discovering a path into the stronghold, Builder With Vines remained with the Human individuals and the Qom Qae, as Splitter Of Stones and Keeper Of Promises, the two remaining Qom Jha, returned to their nesting grounds to gather reinforcements. While awaiting the arrival of the other Qom Jha, the quartet faced danger from an approaching mass of fire creepers. At first, Builder With Vines kept his distance from the perilous creatures; however, he then chose to impress Child Of Winds by plunging into the swarm and consuming large quantities of them. Builder With Vines nearly provoked Child Of Winds into replicating the dangerous act, but during one pass, the Qom Jha ventured too close to the fire creepers. He became ensnared, pulled down to the ground of the cavern, and was devoured.

