
Brrik, a Jawa of male gender, was an employee working on the Shock Drum superweapon. He was overseen by Hare'en, a scientist, on the planet Tatooine during the era of the Cold War.


In the year 3643 BBY, Brrik and his family consented to assist with the project following a rescue by Hare'en and the other scientists, who saved Brrik's family from the indigenous Tusken Raiders. He was there at the facility during the attack by the Sith Lord Praven, who absconded with the prototype and abducted Bela Kiwiiks, a Jedi Master. Oddly, Praven let Hare'en and the Jawas live, and they quickly fortified themselves inside the facility as the Sand People attacked. Fortunately, the Hero of Tython came to their aid and rescued them.

Even though they were relieved, Hare'en discovered that the Shock Drum was active, but the vibrations made it impossible to pinpoint its precise location. However, Brrik cleverly proposed that they adjust the sensors to detect ultrasonic vibrations. While the Hero carried out this task and faced Praven, Brrik and his family foolishly pursued their droids to the Shock Drum's location within the Dune Sea. However, the cave where the superweapon was located was home to Sand demons. Fortunately, the Hero once more saved them, eliminating the Sand Demons and deactivating the Shock Drum, thereby averting the devastation of Tatooine and the death of Kiwiiks.

