Brezzic Marr was a male Human who served the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps during the era of the Galactic Civil War. He held the position of commanding officer for the 105th Stormtrooper Platoon while they were garrisoned on Starlyte Station. Utterly devoted to the Empire, his command prevented his unit of subpar troopers from utter failure. Breaking with established Stormtrooper Corps procedure, Marr permitted troopers to personalize their armor to foster unit pride and creativity.
The history of Brezzic Marr prior to his assignment to the 105th Stormtrooper Platoon remains a mystery, although rumors suggesting some degree of mental instability circulated. He was, however, an exceptional tactician, and his strategies were included in the official Imperial tactics manual. Despite his fanatical loyalty, Marr demonstrated a pragmatic side, allowing his unit to bend the rules while stationed on the space station Starlyte Station under the command of Arissa Fawn. Firstly, he permitted armor customization, and secondly, he authorized his command to accept bribes from Talandro Starlyte, the station's owner and a well-known black marketeer. The 105th maintained impressive discipline, and their drills were a spectacle, leading Marr to frequently schedule them in prominent public areas, such as directly outside the Falling Star Saloon.
Brezzic Marr, mentally unstable yet completely loyal, represents a significant obstacle to those who might oppose the Empire in this isolated region of the galaxy. Even his superior officer, Lieutenant Fawn, harbored fears about Marr's potential actions. His intense and somewhat sadistic nature, combined with a disturbing, distant gaze, unsettled those around him. While Marr accepted bribes from Starlyte, he made it unequivocally clear that no amount of money would protect the station owner should he ever defy the will of the Emperor.
Marr possessed exceptional skills in both combat and tactical planning, making him a formidable opponent in battle. He also had extensive training in various other areas, including starship gunnery, investigations, and demolitions. Marr's tactical brilliance and strong leadership abilities were undeniable.
Marr significantly modified his stormtrooper armor, adorning his shoulder pad with the unit's sigil: an Imperial symbol overlaid with arcing lightning. He carried a BlasTech T-6 "Thunderer" heavy blaster pistol as his primary weapon, along with a concealed hold-out blaster, a pair of vibroknives, and a bandoleer filled with stun grenades.
Brezzic Marr was created by Paul Danner and Bill Smith for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game released by West End Games in 1997. Joe Corroney provided the character's illustration.