Bren Quersey was a Rebel pilot of the human male variety. During the Galactic Civil War, he served the Rebel Alliance. Due to a shortage of available starfighters, he was one of the many pilots who had to remain at the Yavin 4 base, where he watched the Battle of Yavin unfold alongside the other grounded pilots.
During the Galactic Civil War, Bren Quersey, a human male, served as a Rebel pilot for the Rebel Alliance. Before the Battle of Yavin occurred in 0 BBY, a lack of available starfighters meant that Quersey was among the pilots who stayed behind at the Massassi Group's base on the moon Yavin 4. He was joined by fellow squadron members Elyhek Rue, Wenton Chan, and Col Takbright, as Garven Dreis, the leader of Red Squadron, had chosen the pilots who would participate in the battle.

After the squadron departed to destroy the Death Star, Quersey and the other pilots who were stationed at the base monitored the battle from the war room. He remarked that the rebels had no plans to evacuate the base since most of the crucial equipment was already on the fighters that had launched. As the battle went on, Kelemah, a technician, mentioned that the stabilizer on Wedge Antilles' fighter was misaligned, and Takbright noted that Antilles was taking a significant risk. Quersey chuckled and responded that everyone at the base was involved in "the biggest risk in the history of the galaxy." When the Death Star was ultimately destroyed, the base erupted in celebration, and Takbright immediately embraced Quersey.

Star Wars: Card Trader, a digital card trading app from 2015, identifies Bren Quersey as Red Eight during the Battle of Yavin, as depicted in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The card's image shows Quersey entering the cockpit of a fighter. Although this aligns with his background in the Star Wars Legends continuity, the canon short story "Duty Roster," published in the 2017 anthology From a Certain Point of View, presented a different version of his story. It established that he was stationed in the Great Temple on Yavin 4 during the battle in space and was not chosen to join Red Squadron or enter a fighter. The story also revealed that Zal Dinnes flew as Red Eight instead. This article adheres to the short story's version of his biography and disregards Card Trader's depiction of Quersey as a participant in the Battle of Yavin.