Bon was a male Human Jedi Initiate. During the final years of the Galactic Republic, he trained with the Jedi Order. His gender was male.
Bon, a Human who was Force-sensitive, received education from the Jedi Order in the Force. When the Clone Wars began between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Bon, an Initiate, stayed at the academy and kept learning from the instructors who remained.
After three years of conflict, the war ended abruptly when Palpatine, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, betrayed the Order. He issued Order 66, a Contingency order, to the Grand Army of the Republic, which commanded the clone troopers to kill their Jedi leaders. Bon, along with some other Initiates like Nia, managed to flee into hiding when the clones attacked. They were rescued by a junk dealer named Hurd Coyle. Coyle promised to take the Initiates to a safe place aboard his salvage ship, and they remained together.
While traveling, Coyle's ship found a damaged V-19 Torrent starfighter that they hoped to salvage for parts. Coyle was surprised to discover that HOB-147, a clone pilot, was still alive. When the clone woke up and began destroying Coyle's reprogrammed B1-series battle droids, Coyle shot him with an electro-dart and locked the pilot in a room. After the clone escaped, he discovered the Jedi Initiates hiding in the junk ship's cargo hold. Bon and the others, thinking the clone would kill them, knocked him unconscious. When the clone awoke, Initiate Nia convinced him to spare their lives. Later, stormtroopers from the newly formed Galactic Empire boarded Coyle's ship, searching for escaped Jedi. Clone HOB-147 lied and said there were no Jedi on board, allowing Bon and the other Jedi to escape.