Blue Flight

Blue Flight served as the identifier for a pair of subsequent starfighter groups that operated from the cruiser, Indomitable, during the time of the Black Fleet Crisis.

In the Battle of Doornik-319, the 16th Fighter Squadron's E-wing escort starfighters, under the command of Blue Leader, held the designation of Blue Flight. Their mission was to protect the six BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighters of the 24th Bombardment Squadron's Red Flight.

Following the events at Doornik-319, the Indomitable's starfighter complement underwent a reorganization. During the following Battle of ILC-905, three K-wings from the reorganized 24th Bombardment Squadron, along with their enhanced snubfighter defense of six X-wing starfighters, were identified as Blue Flight. The E-wings that once protected the reduced Red Flight now used callsigns like Cover Four and Cover Eight.

During this battle, the refashioned Blue Flight was assigned to strike the Black Nine shipyard, a task that resulted in significant casualties with no real gains. Flak fire from the defending Aramadia-class thrustships destroyed Blue Three, while a Yevethan fighter intercepted Blue Two during the attack run. Blue One was the only K-wing from the group to successfully launch a T-33 plasma torpedo, but it impacted the spacedock's deflector shields without effect. In addition to the two lost K-wings, at least half of the flight's X-wing escorts were also lost in the conflict.

Red Flight counterparts later destroyed the shipyard.

Behind the scenes

The novel Shield of Lies describes Blue Flight as an E-wing unit guarding the K-wings of Red Flight. After detailing the loss of three K-wings from Red Flight, it states, "Blue Flight fared even worse—only one of the bombers made it back to the comparative safety of Indomitable's hangar bays." Given that no bomber unit called Blue Flight is mentioned earlier in the novel, this line suggests that at least four E-wings from Red Flight's escort unit were destroyed, and as a consequence, two more K-wings fell to Yevethan fighters, with only Red One returning to the cruiser.

