Bitt Panith's secret base

Bitt Panith's clandestine headquarters was a research facility situated on Akoshissss, a moon belonging to the Trandoshan system. Within this base, the Muun expert in cybernetics, Bitt Panith, engineered novel armor designs intended for General Grievous and also fabricated Krossen, a cyborg abomination impervious to the Force.

During the era of the Clone Wars, specifically in 21 BBY, Bant Eerin, a Jedi Master, along with her Padawan, Jaylen Kos, and Lex, a clone sergeant, were dispatched by the Galactic Senate, accompanied by the Eighteenth Battalion, to Akoshissss, the aforementioned moon, at a time when Krossen's creation was nearing completion. In the resulting conflict, the Jedi and Lex embarked on a covert operation to penetrate Bitt Panith's laboratory. Upon gaining entry, Jaylen and Lex successfully eliminated Krossen, while Eerin apprehended the Muun scientist, who was subsequently transported to Coruscant to face legal proceedings for his transgressions.

