Bitt Panith

Bitt Panith was a cyberneticist from the Muun species (a male), famed for his involvement in constructing the robotic form of General Grievous. Mirroring Grievous's enhancements, Panith himself had numerous cybernetic augmentations to his limbs and cranium. His secret research facility was located on Akoshissss, a moon belonging to the Trandoshan species. During the period of the Clone Wars, he dedicated his efforts to project Krossen, which aimed to create a cyborg resistant to the Force. As a scientist actively in the service of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Panith's research was financially supported by Dooku, a prominent figure within the Confederacy. However, when Dooku warned of a potential funding termination due to the project's prolonged timeline, Panith harbored animosity towards the Confederate leader. Jedi Master Bant Eerin, along with her Padawan, Jaylen Kos, and members of the Eighteenth Battalion, intervened during the Battle of Akoshissss, resulting in the destruction of Krossen before it could be perfected or mass-produced. Following the battle, Eerin apprehended Panith, who was subsequently sent to Coruscant to stand trial. He possessed a transport of his own.

Personality and traits

Panith exhibited a personality marked by cowardice and paranoia, consistently surrounding himself with a squad of MagnaGuards, even when alone. Simultaneously, he possessed a strong belief in his own capabilities and resented those who questioned his abilities, as evidenced by his reaction to Dooku's threat to withdraw funding.

Behind the scenes

Bitt Panith's character was conceived for the 2008 novel, The Clone Wars: The Way of the Jedi, a "Decide Your Destiny" book for young readers inspired by The Clone Wars film. Jake Forbes was the author.

