
Bha'lir, fierce hunters of the jungles, originated from the planet known as Iyred. While normally docile when approached carefully, the bha'lir exhibited strong territorial instincts and reacted aggressively to perceived threats.


A typical bha'lir family unit consisted of a small group: a male, a female, and usually six to seven offspring. Bha'lir formed lifelong mating bonds, making it uncommon to find more than one adult male and female pair within a pack. During hunts, however, multiple bha'lir families frequently cooperated to overwhelm their targets. Despite being larger and stronger, males would allow cubs and females to feed first. This level of cooperation generally defined the extent of bha'lir social interactions.


The destruction of forests on Iyred brought the bha'lir population to the brink of annihilation, leading to their official declaration as extinct, regardless of the few remaining sanctuaries. One sanctuary, situated on Duunir, received financial support from the Black Bha'lir. The unwavering devotion of bha'lir to their partners further complicated efforts to conserve their species.


  • The Black Sands of Socorro
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. II, p. 126 ("Iyred")

Notes and references
