Beviin-Vasur farm

The Beviin-Vasur farmstead represented a farm owned by Mandalorian individuals, situated on the Outer Rim world called Mandalore. This extensive farm was located about ten kilometers away from Keldabe, the planet's capital city. The premises were walled, featuring numerous outbuildings and traditional Mandalorian vheh'yaime, all interconnected by subterranean passages and arranged around the central stone farmhouse.

Goran Beviin and his husband, Medrit Vasur, were the proprietors of the farm, which evolved into the familial residence for Clan Beviin. Beviin and Vasur resided there with their adopted daughter, Dinua. By the time the Second Galactic Civil War was underway, Dinua's family had also joined them, including her husband Jintar and their two offspring, Briila and Shalk. When Mand'alor Boba Fett, a comrade of Beviin, arrived on Mandalore seeking closer ties with his people and their culture, he was permitted to lodge at the farm. Similar arrangements were made for Jedi Knight Jaina Solo when she came to Mandalore, hoping for Fett's assistance in overcoming her brother, who had recently become a Sith Lord.


Several traditional vheh'yaime were set up across the farm.

The Beviin-Vasur farm was established on Mandalore, a planet located within the Outer Rim region of the galaxy. Positioned roughly ten kilometers from Keldabe, the capital city of Mandalore, the farm consisted of a widespread arrangement of traditional Mandalorian vheh'yaime, cleverly concealed and partially submerged, in addition to various other outbuildings used for different purposes. These structures were all linked by a system of subterranean tunnels, which also provided a means of escape towards the hills situated west of the farm. Earthworks and a robust wall emplacement around the outer boundaries of the Beviin-Vasur farm served as defensive measures, while the ancient stone farmhouse at the center of the buildings acted as both the residence of the farm's owners and the last point of defense in case of an assault. The main entrance to the farmhouse was built into the ground, accessed via a short series of carved steps. Inside the two-story building were a kitchen, multiple bedrooms, and a common area known among Mandalorians as a kar'yai.

Located at the rear of the farmhouse, and connected to the primary structure by one of the underground tunnels, was a workshop outfitted with tools and a forge intended for metalwork. Smoke from the forge's fire was expelled through a vent several meters away from the shop, helping to obscure the workshop's location from prying eyes. The Beviin-Vasur farm also included a barn for housing animals and equipment, including a harvester droid. Constructed from duraplast sheets and timber boards, the barn featured wide double doors at one end, and gaps between the outer boards allowed sunlight to penetrate the interior. An old dirt road connected the Beviin-Vasur farm to the farm belonging to the Mandalorian Levet.


The Beviin-Vasur farm, which served as the home of the Beviin clan, was owned and managed by the Mandalorian couple Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur. Vasur worked as a blacksmith in the farm's workshop, crafting weapons and armor from Mandalorian beskar iron. Beviin enjoyed working on the farm, even when it involved tasks like cleaning up after the animals. However, Beviin was also sometimes compelled to take on part-time mercenary work to supplement their income when the farm experienced financial difficulties. One such occasion occurred around 24 ABY, when a difficult year resulted in no profits for Beviin and Medrit. Beviin accepted a job from a mysterious individual named Udelen, who was secretly the advanced Yuuzhan Vong scout Nom Anor in disguise. This unknowingly initiated an alliance between the Mandalorians and the Yuuzhan Vong, which lasted until 25 ABY, when the extragalactic invaders launched their assault on the known galaxy. During the first year of the ensuing galactic war, Beviin's friend Briika Jeban was killed by a Yuuzhan Vong Subaltern on New Holgha. In fulfillment of a promise he had made to her when the Yuuzhan Vong first became known, Beviin adopted Jeban's daughter Dinua according to Mandalorian tradition. By the end of the war, Dinua had moved to the farm on Mandalore with Beviin and Medrit.

By 40 ABY, Dinua had married a Mandalorian soldier named Jintar and had two children, Shalk and Briila. This second generation of the family also lived on the farm with Beviin and Vasur. As the Second Galactic Civil War commenced, Jintar departed to find mercenary work in the conflict, while Beviin offered his friend and reigning Mand'alor, Boba Fett, the opportunity to stay at the farm during his time on Mandalore. Fett accepted, but chose to reside within his parked ship, Slave I, rather than the farmhouse. When a new deposit of beskar iron was discovered north of Enceri, the Beviin-Vasur farm's workshop became a testing ground for the metal, as Vasur used samples to forge traditional Mandalorian beskad sabers and beskar armor.

When Jedi Knight Jaina Solo traveled to Mandalore seeking to learn new skills from Boba Fett to defeat her brother, the recently appointed Sith Lord Darth Caedus, she was allowed to stay at the Beviin-Vasur farm during her time on the planet. The farm's barn was used as a training area during Solo's first sparring session with Fett, and she repaid the Beviin clan's hospitality by using her technical skills to repair the farm's equipment. The Beviin and Vasur farm also temporarily housed Sintas Vel, Fett's long-lost former wife, while she recovered from years of carbon freeze.

Behind the scenes

The Beviin-Vasur farm was initially mentioned in the 2006 e-novella Boba Fett: A Practical Man, written by author Karen Traviss. It was referenced again in Traviss' initial contribution to the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel series, titled Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines, before making its first full appearance in Star Wars canon in Traviss' second Legacy of the Force book, Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice. The Beviin-Vasur farm was also a prominent setting in Legacy of the Force: Revelation, Traviss' third installment in the series.

