Battle on Pastoria

Following the Battle of Starkiller Base, members of the Resistance's Black Squadron became unintentionally embroiled in a localized conflict on the Outer Rim world of Pastoria. They journeyed there hoping to convince King Siroc to join the Resistance, but Black Squadron, under the leadership of Temmin Wexley, were instead manipulated into aiding in the demise of the king's main competitor.


Siroc shows Black Squadron around his kingdom

Not long after the Resistance achieved victory in the Battle of Starkiller Base, the First Order uncovered the whereabouts of the Resistance base situated on D'Qar. As the Resistance abandoned their base, General Leia Organa tasked the individuals of Black Squadron with the mission of locating and enlisting allies for the Resistance. With the exception of Poe Dameron, who stayed to assist with the evacuation, the squadron departed from the Resistance base, setting course for the Outer Rim planet of Pastoria, where they intended to utilize their fuel reserves and the sway of the Pastorian king Siroc to disseminate information about the Resistance.

The battle

Upon landing on Pastoria, Black Squadron met with King Siroc. Temmin Wexley greeted the king, who feigned intentions to assist them, expressing agreement with their stance against the First Order. Under the impression that the king would provide support, Black Squadron requested that he issue a broadcast to influence other systems to oppose the First Order. Siroc, aware of the dire consequences of resisting the First Order, instead requested Black Squadron's assistance in dealing with a group of insurgents aiming to overthrow him. He presented them to Colonel Squill, asking the squadron to help escort one of his vehicles through what he described as a region controlled by the insurgents.

Black Squadron watch as the transport is destroyed

As they proceeded through the area, the group encountered forces belonging to Siroc's chief rival, who mistakenly believed they were under attack by Black Squadron and Siroc's forces and were attempting to defend themselves. In response, Colonel Squill commanded the king's forces to defend the transport he was aboard. As the king's forces began to sustain damage, Wexley determined that Black Squadron had to engage the opposing forces, but only with the intention of disabling them and minimizing casualties.

After attempting to disable an enemy starship, Suralinda Javos discovered that the shields on the Pastorian fighters were significantly weaker than anticipated. As the enemy forces retreated, Siroc's fighters opened fire on them and targeted their vehicle, destroying it and eliminating Siroc's rival in the process.


Wexley confronts Siroc

Upon returning to Siroc, Black Squadron demanded an explanation from Wexley regarding their manipulation. Siroc admitted that the transport they had assisted in destroying carried the foremost contender to his seat of power, and that he had sought to eliminate him to ensure that when the First Order inevitably arrived on the planet, they would negotiate with him rather than his rival, who would resist and cause the Pastorian people to be killed. Black Squadron attempted to persuade Siroc that negotiating with the First Order was impossible, but Siroc remained convinced that he could manipulate them to his advantage. Realizing that Siroc would never aid the Resistance, Black Squadron departed from Pastoria, continuing their search for allies elsewhere.

