The Battle of Xyquine II transpired during the Galactic Civil War. In this conflict, Pash Cracken's Cracken's Flight Group oversaw the withdrawal of personnel from the Rebel base stationed on Xyquine II, achieving this feat without suffering any losses. During this engagement, Cracken originated the maneuver known as the Cracken Twist.
During the period of the Galactic Civil War, Cracken's Flight Group was positioned at a Rebel base on Xyquine II. From this location, they frequently conducted raids against enemy shipping. The Galactic Empire discovered the location of this base after a probe droid successfully located it.
While a crucial clandestine Rebel operation was underway, and several important Rebel figures—including Wedge Antilles and Han Solo—were present in the system, an Imperial fleet, which included at least one Victory-class Star Destroyer, entered the system. This occurred after all fifty of the Rebel sensor drones monitoring the area had been neutralized. Motto Shemson, a communications technician, noticed the termination of the drones' signals. He subsequently alerted Commander Gingal, the officer in charge of the watch. Gingal ordered an evacuation, estimating that Imperial forces would arrive at the base within twenty minutes. However, Wing Commander Pash Cracken interrupted the senior officer in the control room, warning that the Imperials would be able to intercept Rebel transmissions once they initiated their attack. To counteract this, he proposed briefing Rebel crews to subtract two from the second digit of the transmitted exit vector coordinates. This deception would mislead the Imperial forces in their pursuit. Gingal approved the plan, and in turn increased the second digit of the transmitted vector by two.
Cracken then led his squadron into combat against the enemy Victory-class Star Destroyer. The Rebel fighters successfully destroyed the capital ship without suffering any casualties, enabling all Rebels to evacuate the base without any losses.
The Battle of Xyquine II is noteworthy because it saw the creation of the Cracken Twist by Cracken. The practice of predetermining an alteration to a digit in a transmitted vector when Imperial surveillance was suspected became a standard tactic for both the Alliance and the New Republic.
The Battle of Xyquine II was initially referenced in The Last Command, where Han Solo stated that the battle had occurred "two years ago" as of 9 ABY. However, The Last Command Sourcebook positions the battle before the Battle of Endor. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia later incorporated information from both the novel and the sourcebook in separate entries, resulting in a contradiction.