The intensely violent Battle of Rocrin unfolded during Task Force Vengeance's operational period within the Airam sector.
Information, deemed reliable, reached the Galactic Empire indicating that a significant Rebel Alliance convoy was slated to pass through the Rocrin system. As a direct response, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Rage along with the interdictor Compellor prepared an ambush in that location. A key deviation from standard procedure occurred; Admiral Wooyou Senn, wanting to know the contents of the cargo in order to inflict greater damage on the Rebellion, gave the order to scan all ships before their destruction. Imperial pilots were reminded that speed was paramount to the mission's success.
Unnoticed, the Star Destroyer Rage and interdictor Compellor took up positions at the designated interception point. Avenger Squadron, flying shielded TIE/IN interceptors, Beta Squadron, flying TIE/sa bombers, and Gamma Squadron, flying TIE/LN starfighters provided starfighter support. Gamma Squadron's fighters were modified to carry and launch concussion missiles to enhance their protective capabilities.
The Rebel convoy materialized, violently pulled out of hyperspace by Compellor's gravity well projectors. Oro Squadron, the Rebel A-wing escort, immediately engaged the bombers of Beta Squadron with missiles and lasers. Rage instructed Gamma to intercept, while Avenger Squadron moved towards the freighters and corvettes. The distance closed rapidly, and combat began.
Avenger Squadron, while evading missiles and laser fire from the lead ship, the Assassin-class corvette Croisade, determined that it carried technicians. The other ships were quickly scanned. Modular conveyor Rakan 1 was found to contain a fabricator, while Rakan 2 held a large reactor, much to the Imperials' surprise. Additional supplies suitable for base construction were also discovered.
Beta Squadron attacked the convoy. However, the Rebels had sent a distress signal, and X-wings from Ulan Squadron began to arrive almost immediately after the first cargo ship was destroyed. Aware that the interdictor Compellor was the only thing trapping them, the X-wings were armed with proton torpedos and ordered to target the cruiser. Avenger Squadron, having completed its scans, joined Gamma Squadron in confronting this new threat.
Meanwhile, the convoy continued to take torpedo hits. The situation worsened when Rage moved into firing range and added its firepower to the attack. The Rebel starships were obliterated as Oro Squadron was destroyed around them. Ulan Squadron was unable to disable Compellor, and the Imperial starfighters systematically hunted down and destroyed the X-wings.
Despite the victory secured by Task Force Vengeance, its commanders, including Admiral Senn, had concerns. The evidence of the Rebellion's significant buildup in the sector increased alongside Imperial successes. Furthermore, despite the convoy's destruction, the Rebellion intensified its efforts and matched the Empire's pressure. They constructed Soren, a starship component factory, in the Mobetta system, and assembled Calenz, a shipyard capable of producing medium-sized warships, in the Nocto system. It was apparent to both sides that the conflict was far from finished.