The Battle of Jutrand unfolded in 1032 BBY during the timeline of the Second Charge Matrica. In the course of the Battle of Gazzari, where Ayanos Bactra was present, the Sith Lords Daiman and Odion, who had previously been rivals, united their strength. Following the wishes of their grandmother, Vilia Calimondra, Odion and Daiman launched an assault on Bactra's fleet, compelling it to escape into hyperspace. Daiman and Odion's forces pursued them to Jutrand, which served as the capital of the Bactranate. During this confrontation, Odion's forces seized control of the planet, leading Bactra to seek refuge in a Quermian retirement colony. Subsequently, one of Bactra's major corporations, Industrial Heuristics, moved its operations to the Daimanate.
The Battle of Jutrand marked the commencement of a joint offensive against the Bactranate by the combined Sith armies of Lords Daiman, Odion, Lioko, and Malakite; these individuals were the grandchildren of Vilia Calimondra, the powerful Calimondra family's matriarch. Vilia had given the order to eliminate the Quermian Sith Lord Bactra, believing that he no longer served a purpose to the family. While Vilia considered him to be a valuable family friend with business connections, the ambitious Sith matriarch always saw him as an expendable outsider. Unlike many other Sith Lords, Bactra refrained from enslaving those he conquered and actively engaged in business with various corporations, including Industrial Heuristics, rather than nationalizing their assets as many other Sith Lords had done.
The Jutrand invasion unfolded against the backdrop of the Second Charge Matrica, the second event in a series of competitions initiated by Vilia. These competitions were designed to maintain division within her family and prevent them from challenging her dominance over family matters. Back in 1066 BBY, Vilia had pledged to bestow her vast holdings upon the heir who managed to conquer the most territory. During the first Charge Matrica, her seven children annexed sections of the Galactic Republic before turning against each other. Chagras emerged as the sole survivor, becoming the nominal ruler of the Chagras Hegemony. However, Vilia remained alive and continued to rule over her empire. In 1040 BBY, Chagras passed away, and his empire dissolved into chaos as Vilia's grandchildren fought for control of territory, thereby initiating the Second Charge Matrica.
Several Sith states arose within the Grumani sector, including the Odionate, Daimanate, and the Bactranate. Given that the Duros Space Run traversed the Bactranate, its capital, Jutrand, became a key commercial hub, housing numerous corporations like Industrial Heuristics. In 1032 BBY, Daiman set a trap for Odion's forces on Chelloa. Odion survived, but was severely injured, and swore revenge against his brother and the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt. In retaliation, Odion dispatched the Bothan spy Narsk Ka'hane to steal military secrets from the Daimanate capital of Darkknell and to destroy the Black Fang research facility. However, Narsk was captured by Daiman, who suspected Odion's involvement in the Black Fang installation's destruction. In response, he devised a scheme to lure Odion into another trap at Gazzari. He then contacted Bactra to purchase an arxeum, citing the loss of the Black Fang research facility. Daiman pledged to supply the students and ensure safe passage for Bactra's forces to Gazzari.
However, Daiman made arrangements for Narsk to eavesdrop on the proceedings and then escape, with the intention of leading Odion to Gazzari. Daiman's plan worked, and Odion invaded Gazzari, deploying his devastating Death Spiral siege tower. During the Battle of Gazzari, both sides incurred significant losses, while Bactra's fleet observed from the safety of space. Meanwhile, Kerra evacuated the students to safety and persuaded the mercenary Brigadier Jarrow Rusher to transport the refugees aboard his starliner Diligence. Near the battle's end, Narsk received a transmission from his real employer, Vilia Calimondra. She instructed him to deliver a message to her two grandsons, Odion and Daiman, ordering them to cease fighting and unite against the Bactranate. The two Sith Lords ceased their conflict and then attacked the Bactranate fleet in the Gazzari system. They destroyed six ships and pursued the remaining six to Jutrand.
Subsequently, Odionate and Daimanate forces invaded Jutrand. This was followed by a general invasion of the Bactranate, which collapsed within days. During a subsequent bequest convened by Vilia, Daiman gained control of Industrial Heuristics. However, Odion protested, asserting his right to the company, as it was headquartered on Jutrand, which had been bequeathed to him. As a compromise, Vilia allowed him to retain Jutrand and arranged for the transfer of two legions of Trandoshan slave warriors from her own forces to bolster Odion's troops. Bactra's remaining corporate assets were redistributed among her other grandchildren, particularly Lioko and Malakite, whose forces had also participated in the invasion. During the bequest, Chagras's granddaughter and Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra cited an intelligence source indicating that Bactra had gone into hiding at a Quermian retirement colony.
The Sith Lord Odion also seized Jubalene, where he enslaved the population and forced them to work in war forges. Furthermore, he imprisoned and indoctrinated all the children within his portion of the former Bactranate, including those in Jutrand and Jubalene, in planet-sized orphanages known as cloisters. To indulge his sadistic and nihilistic tendencies, Odion also exploited Bactra's now-redundant bankers and attorneys by compelling them to participate in violent arena fights against wild beasts like rancors and gundarks. The Bactranate's elimination also enabled Odion to resume Project Pandemonium, a project aimed at locating the ancient Sith artifact known as the Helm of Ieldis. This artifact had the power to drive sentient beings into a state of mindless, homicidal frenzy. As part of his campaign to unleash a galactic apocalypse, Odion's forces also invaded Sarrassia to acquire information about the Helm. While Sarrassia had nominally been under Bactra's influence, who ended the religious conflict between the Grumani Hierophants and the Spumani Crusaders, he had left the planet undisturbed. In contrast, Odion destabilized Sarrassian society.