Battle of Dega

The clash known as the Battle of Dega involved a strike executed by the Rebel Alliance. This strike targeted a resupply operation being conducted by Task Force Vengeance. Imperial forces, commanded by Admiral Wooyou Senn, were set to receive both essential cargo and new recruits from their Airam allies who remained loyal to Ilay, the clan leader who was at the time detained.

The Battle

Prior to the commencement of this mission, both Rogue and Green Squadrons were outfitted with B-wing assault fighters that were fully stocked with proton torpedoes. Their primary objective was to obliterate any freighter carrying vital supplies intended for the resource-depleted Imperial task force, and to render inoperable any freighters identified as transporting Airam conscripts.

Upon the arrival of the Rebel fighters in the Dega system, they were immediately confronted with the imposing sight of the Executor-class Star Dreadnought, the Vengeance [/article/vengeance_(executor-class)], and the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Rage [/article/rage_(imperial-class)]. Closer to their position were eight Airam BFF-1 bulk freighters. The pilots of Rogue Squadron divided their forces to investigate the approaching freighters, only to be met with a dangerous surprise when they targeted the cargo vessels. Before her capture, or based on instructions she had previously issued, Ilay had equipped the freighters with single-use warhead launchers. These launchers were programmed to automatically target and fire upon any incoming starfighter that locked onto one of the ships.

This booby-trap almost provided the freighters with sufficient time to reach the relative safety of the Star Destroyer's heavy guns. However, Rogue Squadron successfully disabled the freighters carrying conscripts, while Green Squadron inflicted major damage on the freighters equipped with warheads. While this cunning tactic likely resulted in the loss of lives (or at least the loss of spacecraft) for several Rebel pilots, it ultimately failed to prevent the neutralization of the convoy.

The sheer scale of the Airam convoy placed a significant burden on the Rebel starfighters, as each pilot was tasked with inspecting, disabling, and destroying the appropriate freighters. As more and more bulk freighters emerged from hyperspace, the total number of ships eventually reached approximately twenty. These ships were dispersed across a disturbingly wide area, making it difficult for the relatively slow B-wings to effectively cover the entire space.

Despite the launch of a starfighter distraction force by both the Vengeance and the Rage, Rogue and Green Squadrons ultimately succeeded in completing the inspection and neutralization of the Airam ships. The Rebel pilots, demonstrating their multitasking skills, also managed to protect the rescue shuttles dispatched by the Alliance to retrieve the conscripts from the disabled freighters. Once the last freighter was destroyed and as many conscripts as possible were rescued, the Alliance forces executed a withdrawal.


The critical supply shortages experienced by Task Force Vengeance became glaringly obvious in the wake of the Battle of Dega. During interrogations, the Airam conscripts revealed that they were intended to undergo basic flight training aboard the Vengeance. Following this training, they were to participate in suicide missions against Alliance forces operating in the Airam sector. The large quantity of warheads carried by the accompanying freighters would have posed a significant threat to the Rebels had these attacks been carried out.

Admiral Senn's strategic options were now severely limited. He faced a difficult choice: either withdraw the remaining elements of his task force and face the repercussions from his superiors, or persist with his mission at any cost. He ultimately chose the latter, leading to his subsequent attack on the Alliance shipyard located in the Nocto system.

