Battle of Almak

The clash known as the Battle of Almak transpired on the planet of Almak, situated within the Mid Rim. This event occurred at some point in time between 19 BBY and 1 BBY, during the era when the Galactic Empire held sway. A unit of Imperial forces, under the leadership of Nahdonnis Praji, who was a Human officer serving the Empire, participated in the effort to bring the native sentient species of Almak, known as the Leffingites, under Imperial control. During this conflict, the Imperial forces made effective use of All Terrain walkers, which significantly contributed to their victory over the Leffingite resistance. Though Praji considered the walkers to be unrefined and lacking elegance, he acknowledged their effectiveness in the battle. The historian Dr. Gabrel Treon made reference to this battle in 104 ABY, within his article "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes," which concerned the history of the House Praji family and was published in the Byblos Journal of Historical Science.

Behind the scenes

The sole instance where the Battle of Almak is mentioned is within the in-universe historical article Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji, penned by Nathan O'Keefe and featured exclusively on Hyperspace (a Hyperspace-exclusive resource). This article was made available on February 5, 2009.


Notes and references
