Babel Torsch

Babel Torsch served as the director of the Imperial Customs bureau within the Minos Cluster. His reputation was that of a strictly adherent official, showing absolutely no leniency for even minor violations.


Early on, Babel Torsch demonstrated his value to the Empire through his work as a bureaucrat. Later, he served as an advisor to the consular general stationed on Adarlon. However, his relentless pursuit of the Holo Industry, which resulted in the blacklisting of numerous performers, led to industry figures blackmailing his superiors, ultimately leading to his dismissal.

Following retraining, Babel was assigned as director of the Imperial Customs office for the Minos Cluster. In this role, he thrived, proving adept at exposing both concealed Rebel operatives and dishonest Imperial officers.

Personality and traits

Babel Torsch possessed an inflated ego and adhered rigidly to regulations. He displayed zero tolerance for any breach of the rules and was impervious to attempts at bribery. In terms of physical appearance, he was described as being stout and having dark skin.

Behind the scenes

Although the character's surname is written as "Torsch" in the stat block, the narrative consistently uses the spelling "Torsh". In Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, Babel Torsh is the supervisor of ISB investigator Cha Raas, whose area of operation was the Minos cluster.


Notes and references
