Avenue Peth

Avenue Peth was a street located on the world of Coruscant. The Besalisk chef Dexter Jettster, upon his initial arrival on this planet, established Dex's Donuts, a modest donut shop, situated at the intersection of Avenue Peth and Zevanth Street. However, by the year 27 BBY, an unfortunate incident involving an air taxi driver resulted in the destruction of Dex's Donuts, compelling Jettster to shut down the corner business. Subsequently, he included his ownership of Dex's Donuts within the menu of Dex's Diner, his subsequent establishment on Coruscant. Notably, Avenue Peth shared its designation with Peth, a character within the Aurebesh alphabet.

Behind the scenes

The street, Avenue Peth, was referenced within "Dining at Dex's," a Hyperspace-exclusive article from 2009. This article, presented as an in-universe menu, was authored by Gregory Walker.


  • Dining at Dex's on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
