"Another Fine Mess" is a short story that can be found in Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4.
On the planet of Bri'ahl, C-3PO once more finds himself in a terrible predicament, all thanks to R2-D2. The astromech droid, after claiming that he possessed the skills to pilot a Bri'ahlian Sky-sled, failed spectacularly in his task of providing transportation, which resulted in C-3PO becoming beheaded. In an attempt to rectify the situation, R2-D2 sets off an avalanche, thereby earning the ire of the local wildlife. Meanwhile, below the two droids, a small group of Bri'ahlian rebels had gathered around a fire. They were openly discussing their hatred for Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala and Bri'ahl President [Vuul], and the group then formulated a plan to disguise themselves as clone troopers in order to infiltrate the palace and assassinate both of them. The activists were unexpectedly interrupted as the two droids fell from above, and were subsequently swatted away by a large beast. C-3PO and R2-D2 continued to create chaos as they accidentally encountered the disguised activists. Reaching out to shake the commander's hand, C-3PO's malfunctioning hand slammed into the visor, triggering a false alarm. Thinking that the enemy was among them, the troopers quickly began fighting and eliminating each other. After wandering away from the destruction, the two droids finally managed to get directions to the palace. As Gregar Typho was explaining to Amidala that the bodies of the activists had been discovered, the droids stumbled into the room. Unaware of the consequences of their actions, Amidala scolded them for not staying within the palace grounds. Remarking that "at least you came back in one piece", Amidala's expression then changed to one of amusement when C-3PO's head fell off.