Bri'ahl, a world found in the Outer Rim Territories' Bri'ahl sector, was classified as a planet. The Bri'ahls called this planet their home.
Throughout the majority of the Clone Wars, Bri'ahl maintained a position of neutrality. As the galactic war neared its end, Senator Padmé Amidala and Captain Gregar Typho traveled to the planet in an attempt to convince President Vuul to form an alliance between Bri'ahl and the Galactic Republic. Nevertheless, a resistance force, comprised of activists adorned in clone trooper armor supplied by Count Dooku, who was in support of their cause, plotted to infiltrate the Presidential palace and carry out the assassination of both Senator Amidala and President Vuul. However, the mishaps of C-3PO and R2-D2 led to the complete downfall of the entire rebellion, thereby rescuing the two significant political figures. Absent the meddling of the activists, Vuul appeared disposed to accept Amidala's proposal. It is likely that Bri'ahl joined the Republic, and within a few months, most likely became part of the Galactic Empire.