Angol Martilla

Angol Martilla belonged to the Slayers Three, a group of three significant hunters of large game originating from a world located inside the Spawn Nebula; his brother Derrus and sister Bez were also members. These three siblings frequently departed their home and journeyed into the galaxy to seek the honor of the hunt. They adhered to a mysterious calendar system and visited worlds as dictated by their shamans. In approximately 3637 BBY, the group landed on the planet Rishi, but by then Derrus had become jaded, called his siblings "idiots," and quit the hunt. Conversely, Angol began hunting on Horizon Island, inviting any passersby to participate.

Behind the scenes

Angol Martilla and the Slayers Three are featured in the Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan expansion pack, which BioWare released in 2014.

