Andoorni Hui, a female Rodian, holds the distinction of being among the initial pilots chosen for the revamped Rogue Squadron back in 6.5 ABY. Driven by a desire to enhance her standing, this huntress enlisted with the New Republic as a pilot. Commander Wedge Antilles himself selected her to be a part of the esteemed Rogue Squadron. Despite political pressures that pushed Antilles to include alien pilots in the lineup, he made it clear to New Republic Defense Force authorities that Hui, along with the other selected pilots, matched the caliber of any other candidate.
Hui demonstrated her capabilities during the Battle of Hensara, playing a crucial role in safeguarding a New Republic frigate as it escaped from Imperial forces. However, just days later, she faced a near-fatal situation when Imperial stormtroopers launched a secret assault on a Rogue Squadron base located on Talasea. This attack resulted in the death of her roommate and wingmate, Lujayne Forge, and left Hui with severe injuries that sidelined her from active duty. She managed to recover in time to participate in the First Battle of Borleias, a significant setback for the New Republic. Sadly, Hui's life came to an end during this battle when a TIE Interceptor destroyed her X-wing starfighter.
Andoorni Hui's origins trace back to Rodia, where she spent her formative years. Her given name, a popular choice among Rodian females, carried the meaning of "adventurous" or, more directly, "unafraid of danger." In contrast, her family name signified "thoughtful." She pursued a path as a huntress and, in line with Rodian customs, placed great importance on her reputation. Seeking a way to elevate her standing, Hui determined that serving as a pilot in the military was the ideal course of action. However, she made the conscious decision to avoid joining the Galactic Empire, despite the fact that many of her species had ties to the Empire due to then-Grand Protector Navik the Red's seizure of power and establishment of Imperial connections. Instead, Hui chose to join the New Republic Defense Force and, in 6.5 ABY, requested a transfer to the prestigious Rogue Squadron, which was undergoing reformation under the leadership of Commander Wedge Antilles.

In 6.5 ABY, Antilles personally selected Hui to be one of the original pilots of the newly established squadron. Due to political considerations, Antilles had to include specific alien species in the roster. However, he assured Admiral Gial Ackbar, the Supreme Commander of the New Republic Defense Force, that all the pilots selected for political reasons were just as capable as any other candidate. Hui was one of only a few Rodians to ever be a part of the squadron; Standro Jcir in 4 ABY and Koobis "Target" Nu in 7.5 ABY were others.
Hui's designated call sign was Rogue Twelve, and she was assigned to Three Flight within the squadron, which was commanded by Lieutenant Corran Horn. She was paired with Lujayne Forge, a Human pilot, as her roommate. Initially, this arrangement presented challenges as Forge had limited experience interacting with Rodians and did not speak Rodese. However, after sharing a room for a few days, the two developed a friendship. When it came to light that two Rogue Squadron pilots were marked with death marks, some squadron members speculated that Hui might be one of them, given the common perception that most Rodians collaborated with the Empire. Horn, a former officer with the Corellian Security Force, helped to dispel this rumor by confirming that Hui had never appeared on any CorSec apprehension lists; ultimately, the two death marked pilots were identified as the Shistavanen Riv Shiel and Horn himself.

Andoorni Hui, along with the rest of her squadron, experienced their first combat engagement at the Battle of Hensara on Hensara III. Their mission was to protect the Battle of Yavin, a New Republic frigate that had crash-landed on Hensara III, from being captured by the Imperial Strike-class cruiser Havoc. The battle concluded as a victory for Rogue Squadron, with no casualties on their side, and Hui successfully took down at least two enemy targets.
Approximately one month after the squadron's reformation, the Rogues relocated to a training base on Talasea. This base was intended to serve as a staging ground for a future offensive against Imperial-occupied Coruscant, owing to the planet's strategic proximity to the Galactic Core. However, one night, a platoon of Imperial stormtroopers, acting on intelligence provided by Imperial Intelligence agent Kirtan Loor and dispatched by Admiral [Devlia], launched an attack on the base. The stormtroopers fatally shot Lujayne Forge while she slept and inflicted severe injuries on Hui, rendering her unable to participate in the remainder of the assault.
Due to the severity of Hui's injuries and complications arising from her Rodian physiology, her recovery in a bacta tank aboard the Nebulon-B frigate Reprieve took more than twice as long as that of her comrades. She was permitted to attend a memorial service for Forge and six other fallen sentries but was too weak to stand without assistance and required a hover chair. Antilles noted that Hui's presence at the ceremony, despite her serious injuries, demonstrated her unwavering loyalty to her squadron and her fallen wingmate. She was unable to recover in time to take part in a retaliatory strike against Devlia and his forces at his base on Vladet, which resulted in a New Republic victory and Devlia's death.

Hui eventually recovered sufficiently to participate in the First Battle of Borleias, an attempt to seize control of the planet Borleias from Imperial forces in order to use it as a staging area for a future assault on Coruscant. However, due to the inadequate planning of New Republic General Laryn Kre'fey and unexpected security measures previously put in place by Imperial General Evir Derricote, the battle turned into a resounding defeat for the New Republic forces. Rogue Squadron was assigned the task of escorting assault shuttles carrying New Republic infantry troops to the Imperial base on Borleias, following the apparent destruction of the base's shields and weapons. However, the shields and weapons were reactivated, and several Rogue pilots, including Hui, were ambushed by reserve TIE squadrons.
After the lateral stabilizer of her X-wing starfighter sustained damage, Hui found herself unable to effectively evade her enemies. A TIE Interceptor targeted her engine and destroyed her craft, resulting in Hui's death. Horn, who attempted to assist Hui without success, immediately eliminated the TIEs responsible for her destruction and found a brief moment of satisfaction in avenging her loss. Hui was the second pilot from the reformed Rogue Squadron to perish in space battle; Peshk Vri'syk, a Bothan pilot, had met his end just minutes earlier.
Andoorni Hui, typical of most Rodians, possessed a lean and wiry physique resulting from her active lifestyle as a huntress and her species' penchant for fighting. She also shared the common Rodian trait of placing great importance on her own reputation, which played a significant role in her decision to join Rogue Squadron and shape the course of her life. While many Rodians tended to align themselves with the Galactic Empire, Hui instead chose to join the New Republic, demonstrating a sense of morals and ethics less commonly associated with her species, as well as an ability to think independently.
Although she may not have possessed the same level of flying skill as some of her Rogue Squadron colleagues, such as Corran Horn and Bror Jace, Hui was still a talented pilot, earning her a personal selection by Wedge Antilles for the newly reformed Rogue Squadron. Unlike her alien counterpart, Peshk Vri'syk, who often displayed arrogance and detachment from his Human colleagues, Hui got along well with her wingmates and genuinely cared about them, as evidenced by her determination to attend Lujayne Forge's funeral. She also expressed sincere remorse when she achieved high simulation scores at Horn's expense by replicating a tactic he had developed. Hui possessed a strong sense of honor and duty, which she demonstrated by rejoining the Rogues in the First Battle of Borleias despite still recovering from serious injuries.
Andoorni Hui was brought to life by Michael A. Stackpole and made her debut in X-Wing: Rogue Squadron, the inaugural novel in the X-wing series. Her likeness was first depicted in the Japanese edition of the Rogue Squadron novel.