Adria Reyn

Adria Reyn was a Human female who, through the use of political schemes and acts of corruption, secured the position of Moff for the Callia sector located within the Inner Rim during the initial years of the Empire's rule. After Emperor Palpatine reinforced a blockade surrounding the Imperial prison planet of Ord Vaxal within the sector, agents working for the Hutt slaver Sassallo, who had been conducting operations on the planet, confronted Reyn. They subsequently blackmailed her into creating a small opening in the planet's sensor net to facilitate the undetected passage of slaver vessels. Despite Reyn's compliance and receipt of payment for her cooperation, she vowed to terminate her agreement with Sassallo at the earliest opportunity.


Adria Reyn, a Human female, skillfully employed political tactics to rise through the ranks of the Galactic Empire, ultimately attaining positions of significant authority. Following various illegal transactions, she was eventually appointed as Moff of the Callia sector in the Inner Rim, which housed the Imperial prison planet known as Ord Vaxal. Before the Empire's establishment, the Oubliette shadowport on Ord Vaxal served as the base for an underground slavery operation headed by the Hutt crime lord Sassallo. Although Sassallo had previously circumvented the existing blockade over Ord Vaxal, her activities were disrupted when Palpatine proclaimed himself Galactic Emperor and intensified the security measures surrounding the blockade, compelling the Hutt to seek assistance from Moff Reyn.

Without Reyn's knowledge, some of the secondary parties involved in her more unlawful dealings were also in the service of Sassallo. Shortly after the blockade's reinforcement, Reyn was approached by Sassallo's operatives. These operatives used their knowledge of the Moff's clandestine activities as leverage in negotiations concerning the blockade's strict security. Left with limited options, Reyn reluctantly submitted to the slavers' blackmail. Within a matter of hours, she secretly reconfigured the sensor net surrounding Ord Vaxal to create a narrow access corridor leading to the Oubliette shadowport for the slavers' usage. Despite her dissatisfaction with the arrangement, Reyn received substantial payment from Sassallo for maintaining the route's accessibility. Over the subsequent years, the Moff expanded her influence within the sector.

Personality and traits

Adria Reyn was a highly competent politician, but she lacked substantial practical experience in military matters. She ascended the Imperial hierarchy through any means necessary, and she was willing to employ bribery, extortion, slander, or even murder to achieve her objectives. She demanded nothing short of perfection from her subordinates, and those who failed to meet her expectations were often reassigned to less significant yet highly perilous roles. Reyn's sole focus was the power and prestige associated with her position as Moff, and she was regarded as the quintessential embodiment of Imperial deceit and corruption. She was caught off guard when Sassallo managed to undermine her so effortlessly, but she vowed to sever her connections with the Hutt at the first opportunity.

During the early years of the Empire's reign, Reyn was a middle-aged woman with graying brown hair, piercing hazel eyes, and an athletic build. Her uniform and attire were carefully chosen to project an aura of intimidation while simultaneously preserving her femininity. She typically carried a blaster pistol and had access to a personal shuttle. Reyn was also proficient in reading, writing, and speaking Huttese.

Behind the scenes

Adria Reyn was created for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game article titled Ord Vaxal: Prison Planet of the Empire, which was authored by Gary Astleford and published in Polyhedron 165 in 2003. The character was illustrated by artist James Ryman. Astleford proposed several ways in which Ord Vaxal could be incorporated into a role-playing campaign, such as tasking Imperial player characters with uncovering evidence of Reyn's corrupt activities.


Notes and references
