
title: Adaroo

During the Clone Wars, Adaroo, a male Khormai from Khorm, spearheaded the Khormai resistance. He offered his assistance to Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Kit Fisto during the Battle of Khorm.


Battle of Khorm

Around 22 BBY, Adaroo chose to support the Republic. This decision came after Jedi Master Plo Koon pledged to liberate the imprisoned Khormai and reclaim their planet from the Separatists. Adaroo informed Master Koon that his personal adversary, Unger Gout had forged an alliance with Count Dooku with the goal of increasing his power and enslaving the Khormai within the agrocite mines.

Seek and Destroy Mission

The Separatists maintained control over a climate-regulation facility, which was the source of the planet's severe storms. Adaroo, along with Jedi Master Plo Kloon, Jedi Master Kit Fisto, and a unit from the 44th Special Operations Division, were tasked with locating and destroying the station. While traversing a Khormai settlement, Adaroo paused, noticing that some villagers had perished as a result of the extreme weather fluctuations.

Adaroo burying his people

Adaroo grieved for the deceased and resolved to provide them with a dignified burial. Following the funeral, they resumed their mission on foot, with Adaroo leading them across the expansive mountains toward the station's location. En route, they were ambushed by Asajj Ventress and her squad of droids. After surviving the attack, Adaroo utilized an aelid horn to summon several aelids to serve as mounts for himself and the rest of the group. These mounts facilitated a quicker journey across the mountains, enabling them to reach the climate-control station more rapidly. Upon arriving at the station, they successfully destroyed it, and the storm subsided.

Freeing the Khormai People

Upon reaching the mines, Kit Fisto and Sharp proceeded to dismantle the weaponry targeting the clone transport ships, while Adaroo, Plo Kloon, and the remaining two troopers advanced to liberate the Khormai. Upon entering the mines, they once again encountered Asajj Ventress. Plo Kloon remained to confront the dark acolyte, while the other three pressed deeper into the mine until they discovered the Khormai prisoners. As soon as the droids guarding the prisoners retreated towards Kit Fisto and Sharp's position, Adaroo seized the opportunity and freed the Khormai people. With the battle concluded, he expressed his gratitude to the Jedi for their assistance.

