The AA-2 Keeper, a product of Vector Technologies and conceived by Yin Vocta, functioned as a slave control device. It was essentially a two-part system, incorporating both a beacon and a tracking device. The beacon was surgically placed under the skin of a slave, and could only be safely taken out using its paired tracking unit. To prevent escapes, this removal process required a password. The beacon enabled the owner to monitor the slave's distance, velocity, and heading within a 25 kilometers radius. Should the slave exceed this boundary, the beacon would deploy a deadly neurotoxin, resulting in immediate death.
Paul Danner and Bill Smith created the AA-2 Keeper for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy. This supplementary material for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game was released by West End Games in 1997. Within that source, Kaylo NaKuda had a Keeper implanted in his slave, Sil Vaturha.