Zurric Que'stiil

Zurric Que'stiil was a demolitions specialist of the male gender, employed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic throughout the Galactic Civil War. Possessing a towering height and a pallid complexion, he had eyes of a dark hue. His sartorial preferences leaned towards garments of white and dark blue. He derived pleasure from employing his talents to exact retribution upon the Galactic Empire.

Initially, Zurric served as an industrial engineer positioned at a far-flung space station, exhibiting minimal concern for the broader political landscape of the galaxy. However, his existence underwent a radical transformation when the Empire commandeered his workplace, resulting in the tragic death of his spouse. Following his escape, he enlisted with the Rebellion.

On one occasion, prior to embarking on a mission, he made a trip to Cather Taan's Gun Shop, situated within Storrd Township on the planet Seregar, for the purpose of acquiring a supply of detonite.

