Zone of Self-Containment

The Zone of Self Containment represented a mind-altering substance. Jenna Zan Arbor formulated this drug on Vanqor during the ten years preceding the Clone Wars. Upon being inhaled, it had a tranquilizing effect on the majority of species. Existing as a liquid (although research was underway to enable airborne delivery), it was both odorless and colorless. During an investigation on Vanqor, Anakin Skywalker was once captured and subjected to the drug. This occurred when he and Obi-Wan Kenobi were on the planet. He fell into a euphoric and compliant state, becoming indifferent to the idea of escape. Obi-Wan affected his rescue, and Zan Arbor subsequently escaped Vanqor. Subsequently, with Granta Omega's assistance, she established Blackwater Systems on Falleen with the goal of scaling up Zone production and experimenting with novel delivery techniques. However, when the Jedi uncovered the facility, Zan Arbor and Omega intentionally destroyed it.

