Zafiel Snopps, a male Human hailing from the planet of Corulag, was a prominent political leader on his homeworld for a number of decades. As a successful businessman and industrialist, Snopps was chosen to represent Corulag as its senator in both the Galactic Republic Senate and its successor, the Imperial Senate. Following the disbandment of the Imperial Senate by Galactic Emperor Palpatine in 0 BBY, Snopps received special authorization to continue serving as Corulag's Imperial governor. In this role, he oversaw Corulag's governing body, known as the House of Citizens, and dedicated himself to ensuring the prosperity of the planet's industry and economy under his leadership. Snopps' influential position on Corulag granted him significant power and prestige, often allowing him to manage the affairs of the Bormea sector in the absence of its Moff, Jamson Caglio, who frequently advised the Emperor on the galactic capital of Coruscant. Well-regarded by Corulag's populace, Snopps was later elected to represent the planet in the New Republic Senate after his homeworld opted to join the newly formed galactic alliance.
From the Core World of Corulag, located within the Bormea sector, came Zafiel Snopps, a male Human. Among his offspring was his youngest son, Regenald Hanniper Snopps III. Snopps, a notable businessman and industrial leader, was appointed as Corulag's senator to the Senate of the Galactic Republic. During his time leading the Republic, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine enjoyed the support of both Snopps and Corulag. Corulag's unwavering loyalty was rewarded when Palpatine declared the Republic's reorganization into the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY following the Clone Wars. The planet benefited from the presence of Corulag bureaucrats in key governmental roles, as well as the establishment of a military academy intended to rival the academy situated on Raithal.
Snopps continued to advocate for his homeworld's interests as Corulag's senator in the Imperial Senate until its dissolution in 0 BBY, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Subsequently, Emperor Palpatine granted Snopps a special privilege, allowing him to serve as Corulag's Imperial governor. Due to Corulag's significant influence in Imperial politics, Jamson Caglio, the Moff of the Bormea sector, chose to reside in Curamelle, Corulag's capital city. However, Moff Caglio frequently spent his time advising the Emperor on the galactic capital, Coruscant, leaving Snopps to manage the sector's day-to-day operations. Governor Snopps leveraged his position to expand his own industrial holdings, showing little interest in enforcing minor violations of the Imperial Military Code or engaging in political maneuvering. His primary concern was maintaining Corulag's powerful economy, rather than promoting the Empire's New Order ideology.
Snopps' position placed him at the helm of the House of Citizens, Corulag's ancient governing body. His popularity among the citizens of Corulag stemmed from his days as the planet's senator, but he was viewed unfavorably by the local military academy's administrators. Snopps' attempts to use his influence to secure a spot for his son, Regenald, at the Imperial Academy were unsuccessful.
On one occasion, Snopps orchestrated the hiring of thugs from Crullov City to suppress a strike organized by the Orbital Transports Union. The Union's protest against new taxes on starship berths was crippling the planetary economy, a situation Snopps deemed unacceptable. Following a series of clashes between the hired thugs and the protesters, union leaders enlisted a group of spacers to intervene and halt the violence.
In 3 ABY, after the Imperial victory at the Battle of Hoth during the Galactic Civil War, Snopps declined to discipline the cadets at the Corulag Academy for their abuse of members of the Exotic Entertainers' Union, despite objections from their Core Worlds representative, Mayli Weng. In 6 ABY, the New Republic was established as the galactic government, replacing the Empire and re-establishing the Senate. When Corulag joined the New Republic, Snopps was once again chosen to represent his homeworld in the galactic governing body.
Zafiel Snopps was a pragmatic businessman and industrial leader, possessing a tough demeanor and a ruthless nature. Yet, he was also a personable individual, capable of inspiring confidence and greatness in those around him. Snopps was an attentive listener, adept at detecting hidden motives in others, and could be quite intimidating when necessary. His position afforded him access to a wealth of information, particularly regarding bureaucratic and diplomatic procedures. As an industrialist, he commanded vast resources and expertly coordinated his workforce.
Snopps received training in the use of a blaster pistol and was considered an excellent marksman. He also had training in melee combat. Snopps possessed the skills to pilot starships, operate computers, and was known for his proficiency on the harp. He had a keen eye for appraising items and was a capable swimmer. In addition to fluency in Basic, Snopps could also read, write, and speak Herglese. He typically wore his Imperial uniform, complete with rank insignia, while on duty, and carried a blaster pistol, comlink, and datapads.
Zafiel Snopps made his first appearance in The Spira Regatta, an RPG adventure published in the first issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal by West End Games in 1994. Written by Paul Sudlow, Snopps was briefly mentioned as a former senator and current Core World governor in his son, Regenald Hanniper Snopps III's, biography. The adventure was later reprinted in 1996's The Best of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issues 1-4. In 1995, Sudlow also authored the RPG article Into the Core Worlds for the seventh issue of the Adventure Journal, expanding on Snopps' character and establishing him as the former Imperial senator and current Imperial governor of Corulag. The 1996 Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook featured a short narrative story titled An Old Flame in Need..., which referenced Snopps in dialogue, and he received a mention in 1998's The Far Orbit Project within the section detailing Corulag and other Core Worlds in the Bormea and Darpa sectors.
In 2003, Snopps was mentioned in Wizards of the Coast's Coruscant and the Core Worlds, which stated that he had served as Corulag's senator in both the Galactic Republic Senate and the Imperial Senate. In the sourcebook, Wizards of the Coast allowed for the possibility of playing any of the Roleplaying Game adventures in one of several eras, including the "Rise of the Empire era," the "Rebellion era," and the "New Jedi Order era," with minimal adjustments to accommodate changes in galactic circumstances such as the proliferation of the Jedi or the presence of the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders. For their purposes, Wizards of the Coast defined the "Rise of the Empire era" as the time before the Clone Wars, and the "Rebellion era" as the period following the end of the Clone Wars. This contrasts with the official Lucasfilm definition of the eras, which designates the "Rise of the Empire era" as spanning from 1000 BBY to 0 BBY, and the "Rebellion era" as ranging from 0 ABY to 5 ABY. When detailing Snopps' career, they stated he had served as a senator in both the Rise of the Empire and Rebellion eras, implying his service in the Galactic Republic Senate according to their interpretation of the eras.
In Coruscant and the Core Worlds, Snopps is presented as the instigator of the adventure hook "Strike Breakers," where he hires thugs to break a strike organized by the Orbital Transports Union. Depending on the era in which the adventure is played, Snopps is referred to as either "Governor" or "Senator," as appropriate. During the adventure hook, the players are hired by the union leaders to oppose the hired thugs. The players have several options, including investigating Snopps and the political landscape in Curamelle, uncovering damaging information about him, and applying political pressure to reach a settlement with the union. However, other options are available to the players, and this article assumes that, while the strike was eventually resolved, the exact method used remains unknown.
In 1991's Heir to the Empire Sourcebook, the character of Judder Page is established as being from Corulag, and his father is identified as the planet's senator during the Imperial Period. As Coruscant and the Core Worlds asserts that Snopps held the position of Corulag's senator for many years, these two pieces of information appear to contradict each other, or at least suggest a familial connection between the two.