YV-260 light freighter

The YV-260 light freighter was a type of freighter that was created by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. With a length of 41.5 meters and a block-shaped cockpit similar to other ships in the YV series, the YV-260 was manufactured near the end of the Galactic Republic era. Like many designs from the Corellian Engineering Corporation, it was highly adaptable and could be heavily armed.

A well-known YV-260 freighter was the Vengeance, which belonged to a group of modified Corellian YV-260 freighters used by the Bomu Clan. These ships were altered to increase speed, enhance weapons, strengthen shields, and accommodate more passengers (prisoners and troops), which reduced their cargo capacity. The Bomu Clan used a small fleet of these ships for raiding as pirates in the Corporate Sector.

Behind the scenes

In Tempest Feud, there appears to be a minor error with an image. The image for the Vengeance, which is a YV-260 light freighter, is shown during the Etti light cruiser encounter. Because the image does not show the ten quad laser cannons that the larger cruiser has (instead showing weapons that match the Vengeance), and because it has the blocky cockpit design characteristic of the YV-series, it's likely that the image was incorrectly placed in the sourcebook. This is further supported by the fact that the image is not directly associated with any specific information or stat block, and is simply present on its own.

