Yur T'aug was a Bothan of the male persuasion, residing on the planet of Coruscant as the Galactic Republic neared its end, during its final years. Filling the role of a police officer within the Coruscant Security Force (CSF), T'aug had risen to the rank of captain by 43 BBY. Leading the investigations into the homicides of Senator Uta S'orn's offspring, Ren S'orn, alongside a lowly thief and informant known as Fligh, T'aug found himself embroiled in a series of Coruscant killings. The victims had their blood completely extracted before their demise. Throughout this investigation, T'aug frequently found himself at odds with the Jedi duo of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, particularly regarding the CSF's handling of these perplexing cases.
As a male Bothan, Yur T'aug functioned as a police officer, stationed on the world of Coruscant. By the year 43 BBY, T'aug had attained the rank of captain, and his duties included working as an inspector, where he was responsible for looking into instances of homicide.
In the year 43 BBY, the lifeless form of Ren S'orn, the son of Senator Uta S'orn, was discovered on the planet of Simpla-12. The victim's blood had been completely removed from his body, mirroring the methods used in other cases on Coruscant. In response, T'aug was dispatched to probe the circumstances surrounding the murder. However, at the request of Senator S'orn, Ren S'orn's mother, T'aug ceased his investigation. Ren possessed Force-sensitive abilities, but he had abandoned his training with the Jedi Order and had become a solitary figure. Senator S'orn was fearful of what T'aug might uncover, and she simply wished to put an end to the matter.
However, a mere six months later, T'aug was summoned to investigate the demise of Fligh, whose remains were discovered in the Lane of All Worlds, a narrow passage adjacent to Coruscant's Senate Building. Fligh was a petty thief, but he also served as an informant for Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. T'aug came to the conclusion that Fligh's body had been emptied of its blood, mirroring the earlier killings. Didi Oddo, an acquaintance of Jinn's, made the Jedi aware of Fligh's murder. When Jinn and his Padawan apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, arrived at the scene of the crime and requested to examine the corpse, T'aug granted their request. After some questioning by the Jedi, T'aug reluctantly shared details about the case. He made the Jedi aware of the previous killings in which the bodies had been drained of blood. However, he did not disclose the connection to Ren S'orn. As it was later discovered, Fligh had staged his own death in order to flee to the planet of Belasco after stealing Senator S'orn's datapad.
Jinn and Kenobi continued to investigate the case, and they discovered that T'aug had failed to properly investigate Ren's death. Kenobi confronted T'aug, who, though initially reluctant to respond, confessed that he had ceased the investigation at the Senator's request. The Jedi later discovered that Ren had been murdered by Jenna Zan Arbor, a scientist who had conducted experiments on Ren before killing him. Arbor had also been responsible for the other deaths in which the victims had been drained of blood.
Yur T'aug was a Bothan of stocky build, characterized by a flowing beard and lustrous dark hair. Although T'aug was extremely professional in his role as a police officer, he was not particularly fond of external assistance from the Jedi. He resented the fact that, as a member of the police force, he was required to honor any requests made by the Jedi and to allow them to interfere in his investigations. To a certain extent, he was willing to cooperate with them professionally and outwardly accepted their suggestions, although he lacked any genuine interest in their tips or observations. T'aug especially disliked the Jedi questioning his motives or actions on other cases. When questioned by the Jedi about the handling of the Ren S'orn case, T'aug openly and rudely refused to cooperate, even though the CSF was mandated to do so. Only when Obi-Wan Kenobi reminded T'aug that both the police and the Jedi were on the side of justice did T'aug reluctantly share the facts surrounding the S'orn case with the Jedi.
Yur T'aug's initial appearance occurred in the 2000 young-readers novel titled Jedi Apprentice: The Deadly Hunter, penned by Jude Watson and released on December 1, 2000.