Yun Baliss

A duke of Human male descent, Yun Baliss belonged to House Baliss, a smaller family residing on Alderaan. During the Cold War, as war erupted between the major houses, House Baliss chose to remain unaligned. Once Killiks overwhelmed the Baliss estate, Yun resolved to exploit the widespread disorder on Alderaan, aiming to establish the Teraan estate as the new seat of House Baliss.

Following the theft of a datapad from the Baliss estate by the smuggler Ace, an act that enabled House Teraan to recover their lost wealth, the Duke dispatched his son, Xin Baliss. Xin's mission was to avenge this transgression against House Teraan by challenging Lenn Teraan to a fatal blaster duel. Given Lenn's lack of proficiency with a blaster, he and his sister, Cedonia, convinced Ace to represent them as their champion, ultimately leading to Xin's defeat in the duel.

