You Owe Me a Ride

title: "You Owe Me a Ride"

The short story "You Owe Me a Ride" can be found in the anthology titled From a Certain Point of View. Zoraida Córdova is the author of this story, which tells the tale from the perspective of the infamous Tonnika sisters.

Plot summary

Brea and Senni, the Tonnika sisters, awaken within their cramped quarters in Mos Eisley. Due to their status as wanted individuals, they are in urgent need of credits to facilitate their departure from Tatooine. Brea is aware of a potential job offered by Jabba the Hutt, prompting the sisters to journey to his palace. Upon arrival, they discover that Jabba has issued a bounty for their acquaintance, Han Solo, due to his failure to repay his debts to the crime lord. Following their return to Mos Eisley, the sisters deliberate on the job the following morning. Brea suggests that they might persuade Han to surrender peacefully, but Senni cautions that his Wookiee bodyguard presents a significant obstacle.

Ultimately, they opt for an alternative strategy: the theft of the Millennium Falcon. Their reasoning is that they require a swift vessel, and Han consistently boasts about his ship's unparalleled speed. In pursuit of information regarding the Falcon's docking location, Brea and Senni venture to Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, where they eventually overhear that it is situated in Docking Bay 94. Upon reaching the designated bay, they are compelled to conceal themselves upon discovering Jabba's presence. After discreetly exiting the docking bay, Senni conveys to Brea her suspicion of unusual activity. Following the Falcon's dramatic escape from the port, the sisters resolve to commandeer another spacecraft from a different bay, capitalizing on the diminished security resulting from the recent commotion at the spaceport.

