Yhifar, a gas giant of the Mid Rim region, could be found in the Juvex sector. The Gas Vortex, an ancient and enormous storm raging for millennia, was located on this planet. This Gas Vortex created an area with breathable air and manageable atmospheric pressure, which made it possible to build settlements there. Daring gas miners would plunge into Yhifar's high-pressure depths using armored submersibles that were linked to mining platforms situated in the Gas Vortex.
Located within the Yhifar system of the Juvex sector, a section of the Senex-Juvex region in the Western Reaches area of the Mid Rim, Yhifar was a planet classified as a gas giant. The Kassido Bypass hyperlane provided a connection between it and the Kardura and Kassido systems.
Though the atmospheric pressure was extremely intense at greater depths, the Gas Vortex offered a pocket of reduced pressure, which allowed for the construction of settlements, albeit only comfortable for particularly hardy Humans and aliens. Furthermore, the Gas Vortex contained breathable gases, including nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen. Because of this, Yhifar and its Gas Vortex stood out as a rare exception to the typically poisonous atmospheres found on most gas giants.
Yhifar served as a home and mining [colony](/article/colonist-legends] for intrepid miners. They employed armored submersibles to explore the planet's deeper atmosphere in search of valuable gas, tethered to mining platforms via nanothreads that could stretch for hundreds of kilometers. Like the other worlds in the Senex-Juvex region, Yhifar was governed by the aristocratic Ancient Houses.
Yhifar was first mentioned in Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts, a 1993 sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games, written by Bill Smith and Bill Olmesdahl. The planet's location was specified as grid square L-17 in the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas.