Xufal D'uat

Xufal D'uat was a Tiss'shar pursuer of wanted individuals operating around the planetary body of Elrood. Working from his vessel, the Venom Sting, D'uat heavily modified the Barloz-class freighter by incorporating intruder detection systems, security measures, and a pair of quad-laser cannons mounted on turrets. On one occasion, D'uat apprehended Hamaz, a clandestine Imperial officer. D'uat consented to release Hamaz after the latter signed a legally binding agreement prohibiting him from pursuing D'uat. However, three years after acquiring the ship, D'uat was ultimately captured and killed by a rival bounty hunter, dispatched by Hamaz himself.


Xufal D'uat was a Tiss'shar individual who hunted down fugitives for a reward.

He acquired the CEC Barloz-class freighter Harvest from its previous owners: an agricultural collective situated within the Tion Hegemony. The collective had saved enough credits to purchase a YT-1300 light freighter. Subsequently, D'uat renamed the ship Venom Sting and began to customize it to better suit his specific needs.

He converted one of the cabins into a magna-sealed holding cell equipped with shock-filaments embedded in the floor to deliver stun charges to his captives. The cell's life support systems were also augmented with null-gas canisters to incapacitate prisoners. These modifications were later extended to encompass the entirety of the ship.

D'uat also integrated specialized technology designed to detect any intruders aboard his vessel, an internal defense network, an automated fire suppression system, and a long-range communication array that enabled him to monitor movement and thermal signatures throughout the ship.

For a period of three years, D'uat operated as a bounty hunter in the vicinity of Elrood. During this time, he apprehended a Rebel arms dealer who was later revealed to be Hamaz, an officer within the Galactic Empire. D'uat recorded a holographic confession of Hamaz admitting to possessing compromising information, and subsequently released him. D'uat then concealed this incriminating evidence within a hidden compartment located behind a small access panel, situated behind the autochef power system, within the galley. D'uat leveraged this holorecording to blackmail Hamaz on multiple occasions.

After three years of operating near Elrood, D'uat was murdered by a rival bounty hunter dispatched by Hamaz. Hamaz's objective was to recover the holorecording; however, he was unsuccessful, and the evidence remained aboard the drifting ship.


  • Stock Ships (First mentioned)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
