The Xappyh sector was a sector situated in the Outer Rim Territories. It is known that some of the sector was found within the Slice. Among the planets found in Xappyh were Neelgaimon and Stic.
Jorus C'baoth held the position of ambassador-at-large specifically for this sector.
The video game Star Wars: Rebellion erroneously locates Thanta Zilbra, Thila, Ambria, G'rho, Norulac, and Tund within the Xappyh sector. In actuality, Thanta Zilbra is part of the Corellian sector; Ambria resides in the Stenness Node; G'rho is located on the Shiritoku Spur; Norulac is found in the Inner Rim Territories; Thila is part of the Gordian Reach; and Tund is situated in the Centrality.