Wise Man of Kooroo

Glovan Thule, more widely recognized as the Wise Man of Kooroo, was a male Human who resided on the planet of Gelgelar during the era surrounding the Galactic Civil War.


The origins of Glovan Thule were shrouded in mystery, particularly in his later years, with some accounts suggesting he was even uncertain of his own name. Rumor had it on Gelgelar that he had once been a Jedi, or at the very least, a padawan. Having once walked the Jedi path, he possessed skill in lightsaber combat and in manipulating the Force, abilities he would later utilize. For reasons unknown, he arrived on Gelgelar and sought refuge in its sole city, Gelgelar Free Port. It was suspected by the inhabitants of Gelgelar that he was fleeing the newly established Galactic Empire, which had supplanted the Galactic Republic, after surviving Order 66. Glovan Thule subsequently lived in seclusion as a hermit within the Kooroo shrine, imparting wisdom. He typically remained in the shrine's center, smoking his pipe. He depended on pilgrims for sustenance during his time there, and when pilgrim visits were infrequent, Thulls provided him with fresh Gelgelar Eel. When Platt Okeefe sought refuge from bounty hunters and the Empire by disguising herself as a pilgrim and traveling to the shrine, she encountered him. Eventually, Glovan Thule also consented to mentor the Sullustan child T'laerean Larn in the Force, instructing him in the power known as Merge Senses. The boy was extremely motivated to impress his master and gain the same power. Thule was usually at the Shrine, smoking and resting on animal skins. He wore a floppy hat. He relied on temple donations and food gifts from the local Ithorian Thulls for survival, as he had no personal income. Visitors received philosophical advice and insights.

One day, while Thule was away from the city, T'laerean transferred his mind into a reeho, creating the impression that he had died, with his body lying still in bed. Utilizing the bird, he spied on the Glarsaurs who were plotting an assault on his settlement, but he encountered difficulty and was unable to separate his spirit from the bird's body. However, Thule, guided by a premonition, returned sooner than expected. He managed to rescue the boy, who would have perished had the power not been so strong within him. He then resumed T'laerean's training.

