
Wintag was a female Human who existed in the era of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Functioning as an archivist for the Republic, she investigated the remains on the planet of Taris.


As a human woman, Wintag began her service to the Galactic Republic as an archivist during the period known as the Cold War, a time of tension with the Sith Empire. Stationed on Taris, Wintag dedicated herself to the Republic Tarisian Archival Database, but unfortunately suffered from an allergy to something present in the atmosphere. While she was based at Waypoint Station Morne, her illness meant she was unable to do her own active exploration. Therefore, she contracted an individual allied with the Republic to conduct investigations on her behalf. Her objective was to locate the lost archive of the Tarisian government, which had disappeared during the bombardment, and she eventually succeeded. However, the area was heavily infested with rakghouls, forcing the hero to fight through them to reach the archive. The individual discovered that the archive was, in reality, the government officials themselves, preserved in carbonite. This discovery was then relayed to Wintag's assistant, Tiffan Nye, in Olaris, who then commenced the process of assembling a team to gain access to the archive.

Behind the scenes

Wintag's creation was for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011. She is featured in Waypoint Station Morne within the Republic version of Taris, where she provides Republic players with the quest entitled "The Archive".

