Winama Naberrie was a female weaver residing on the planet of Naboo. Back in 77 BBY, she gave birth to a Human male, Ruwee Naberrie. Ruwee later married Jobal after Winama and Jobal's mother, Ryoo Thule, orchestrated events, although the two mothers found the resulting romance surprising.
In 46 BBY, Jobal brought Padmé Naberrie into the world, who would eventually share a home with Winama in Theed, Naboo's capital. Padmé developed a strong connection with her grandmother, even though she often struggled to grasp the meaning of her grandmother's proverbs. Winama passed on in 33 BBY, leaving Padmé, who had been chosen as Queen Amidala of Naboo, wishing for her guidance as she navigated the Invasion of Naboo in the following year. As a result of Amidala's wedding to Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi, Winama's legacy became intertwined with the most renowned family in the galaxy.

Winama Naberrie, a female member of House Naberrie, earned her living as a weaver of cloth on the Mid Rim planet of Naboo. The records of when she was born and who she was married to have been either lost or intentionally kept hidden at some point in time. The weaver had several offspring, and in 77 BBY, she gave birth to a Human male named Ruwee Naberrie in a mountain village located near Theed, the capital city of Naboo, where Winama would later live and work.
While raising her children, she upheld the Naberrie family's principles of compassion and generosity, which had a profound impact on Ruwee, leading him to join the Refugee Relief Movement at the age of ten to assist those less fortunate beyond their world. Later on, Winama worked together with her close friend Ryoo Thule to arrange for Ruwee to marry Thule's daughter, Jobal. Upon his return to Naboo, Ruwee met Jobal and married her in 51 BBY, with the genuine romance between them surprising both Winama and Ryoo.
Ruwee and Jobal spent the early years of their marriage in a village they helped to establish in Naboo's mountains, a contrast to Winama's preference for city living. They had two daughters, Sola, born in 50 BBY, and Padmé, born in 46 BBY. Padmé achieved extremely high scores on aptitude tests, which prompted Ruwee and Jobal to move to Theed to expand their daughters' opportunities. During Padmé's education, she spent some time living with Winama in Theed, and they grew close, with Winama instilling in her granddaughter the belief that she could accomplish anything. Winama often shared sayings with Padmé, which confused her and caused her to become impatient. One such saying likened fate to a tangle, stating that individuals could only follow a single thread.

Winama passed away in 33 BBY, and Padmé deeply felt her absence. After being elected as the Queen of Naboo, adopting the formal title of Queen Amidala, she faced a planetary invasion by the Trade Federation in the following year. After escaping Naboo and finding herself on the planet Tatooine, Amidala recalled Winama's proverb about fate as she walked towards the home of Anakin Skywalker, a slave boy she had just encountered. She later reflected on her relationship with her grandmother in her journal and wished she could speak with her to acknowledge her increasing understanding of the saying. However, Amidala also believed that she could not have bore the thought of Winama interned in a Trade Federation prison camp as her parents had been.
Amidala later married Skywalker, who had become a Jedi, in 22 BBY, thereby posthumously linking Winama to what would become the most famous family in galactic history. Amidala gave birth to twins, Luke and Leia, in 19 BBY, but she died immediately afterwards. Naboo funeral traditions designated grandmothers as responsible for preparing the body for its final journey, and Thule took on this role due to Naberrie's passing.
Around 18 BBY, the Imperial Inquisitor Malorum investigated Amidala's death. He learned about Naboo's funeral customs and harassed a manager at the Naboo Essentials Provider into revealing the names of Amidala's grandmothers. When Malorum asked for their addresses, the manager informed him that Naberrie had passed away and only revealed Thule's residential area after being threatened. On the day that Malorum found Thule, she had been reminiscing about Winama and their successful ploy to marry Ruwee and Jobal.
Winama Naberrie embodied the values of generosity and compassion that were central to her family, and she passed these values down to her son. In contrast to her son, she preferred to live in cities, and like Padmé, she enjoyed living in Theed. Winama shared a close and special bond with her granddaughter Padmé, who admired her sense of humor and the feeling that she could achieve anything. Winama had a habit of sharing sayings that puzzled her granddaughter, who grew impatient in trying to understand their meaning. Winama could tell that Padmé was internally trying to understand what her sayings meant.
Winama was first mentioned in Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala, a young readers novel by Jude Watson from 1999. Her full name, Winama Naberrie, was first used in 2004 in the 140th issue of De Agostini's magazine, The Official Star Wars Fact File.