Weeba Weeba served as a Rancor keeper within Jabba's Palace, being a Human male. He was situated in the palace's depths during the time that Luke Skywalker brought about the death of Jabba's rancor. Immediately after the creature's death, he forcefully pushed Luke out of the Rancor pit.
Leland Chee, working with Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive, had earlier confirmed that "Weeba Weeba" was one of the individuals responsible for keeping the Rancor, with Malakili and Giran being the other two identified keepers. Despite the visual similarity of Weeba Weeba's yellow coveralls, it is important to differentiate him from Nizuc Bek and Velken Tezeri, as they are distinct individuals. Unlike Nizuc Bek, Weeba Weeba does not wear goggles around his neck.
In 2013, Pablo Hidalgo disclosed that "Wiebba-wiebba" was originally a production title used for Yarna d'al' Gargan.