
WED00-88 was identified as a WED Treadwell repair droid.


The circumstances surrounding WED00-88's transition to a pre-owned unit remain unclear. Subsequently, a Rodian mechanic and pilot, known as Kelko, acquired WED00-88 after accumulating sufficient credits for a previously owned repair droid. Kelko gave the droid the nickname "Weedo" and put it to work. Kelko devoted a significant portion of his leisure time to modifying his droid, asserting that "Weedo" required "just a few more programming tweaks and replacement components to achieve perfection". Kelko also implemented some clandestine modifications, notably a blaster mount concealed as Weedo's inoperative holoprojector.

Kelko commenced his career as an independent mechanic and pilot at Shusko Station, a mining facility located within the Gam Tim'nisi asteroid belt. He indicated that he and the droid were willing to accept "virtually any assignment provided the compensation was adequate" (and something regarding Twi'lek politicians from Kelko's past prior to his encounter with Weedo).

Govenni, Kelko's grandfather, notified him that their clan had amassed considerable wealth and possessed Shusko Station, among other ventures, further stating that Kelko had the option to select a business for his individual ownership. Kelko opted for Shusko Station. Despite this unforeseen stroke of luck, Kelko persisted in utilizing Weedo's assistance. Furthermore, Kelko procured a new personal vessel, the Dindoo's Glory, and embarked on journeys accompanied by his reliable, long-time mechanic companion, Weedo.

