Wandering Star, alternatively referred to as the Wandering Star Gang, constituted a criminal organization headed by a person holding the title of Grand Vygoth. This group operated from Level 1313 located on the world of Coruscant when the Galactic Republic was in power. Zodu Onglo, who was a Pau'an, had ties to the syndicate; however, he was apprehended in 26 BBY - a specific year - for committing aggravated assault on Level 1671 after a failed attempt to trade illicit weaponry.
Tanivos Divo, holding the rank of Lieutenant within the Coruscant Security Force, uncovered the link between Onglo and the Wandering Star while conducting his inquiry into the aforementioned incident. He then documented this connection in his official case records. Later, data from this case file, which referenced the Wandering Star, found its way into a book compiled by Exantor Divo, Divo's grandson, during the era of the New Republic.
The genesis of the Wandering Star occurred in the 2018 published novel titled Last Shot, authored by Daniel José Older.