Waglin, a Weequay of the male persuasion, was a companion to Cix Trouvee. In the period preceding the Galactic Civil War, he served alongside Trouvee as the co-pilot aboard the famed Millennium Falcon, including their participation in the battle of Yag'Dhul in 5 BBY. During this conflict, the Imperial forces attacked the gamblers located on one of the outer moons of Yag'Dhul, suspecting them of aiding the Yag'Dhul insurgents.
Decades later, by 43 ABY, Waglin resided on Oseon VII. His bond with the Trouvee family remained strong, even following Cix's passing in that same year. Subsequently, in that year, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, together with their adopted daughter, Allana Solo, undertook an investigation to uncover details about the Millennium Falcon's history. Their inquiries led them to Waglin, who revealed that the YT-1300 light freighter had originally been acquired from the Molpol's Traveling Circus.