Vytor Shrike functioned as a Gand bounty hunter and findsman operating within the confines of Tatooine. His physical appearance bore a resemblance to Zuckuss, a similarity he potentially exploited through his attire to attract a larger clientele.

Shrike ultimately abandoned his profession to align himself with a band of freedom fighters under the leadership of Adar Tallon. Demonstrating unwavering allegiance to Tallon, he ascended to the position of first officer aboard the Battalion. Furthermore, Shrike played a pivotal role in orchestrating Tallon's death, a strategic maneuver intended to divert the attention of the Galactic Empire.
Subsequent to his departure from Tallon's service, Shrike remained on Tatooine, where he eventually experienced a sense of restlessness. In pursuit of adventure, Shrike briefly engaged in mercenary activities. During 0 BBY, Shrike became aware of a substantial bounty placed on Tallon's head. Despite his newfound self-serving motivations, he returned to Tatooine to offer assistance to his former commander.
Vytor Shrike utilized a robust set of body armor, which accommodated his diverse arsenal of weaponry. Typically, Shrike was equipped with a vibroblade, a blaster pistol, and a collection of four stun grenades. Complementing his weaponry, Shrike wore a sensor array and a computer around his neck. Furthermore, in accordance with the physiological requirements of breathing Gands, Shrike was compelled to wear a protective suit and respirator when outside of his home planet.