Voyage of Temptation

title: Voyage of Temptation

In the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television program, the thirteenth episode of Season Two is titled "Voyage of Temptation". This episode, which is the second part of a story told across three episodes, was originally broadcast on February 5, 2010.

Official description

While the Jedi and their clone forces are protecting Duchess Satine from attempts on her life, Anakin comes to realize that Obi-Wan and the duchess share a past.

Plot summary

Obi-Wan and Anakin are giving a briefing to clone troopers aboard the Coronet, the New Mandalorian ship. The Duchess Satine Kryze's safety is communicated to the clones and the astromech droid R2-D2 as being of paramount importance. They are also instructed to be on the lookout for anything suspicious that might suggest the presence of Death Watch or the Separatists on the vessel. Obi-Wan and Anakin are called to a meeting with the duchess, and Anakin notices Obi-Wan's unease, deducing that he and Satine once had a deep connection. Obi-Wan and Satine talk about the nature of the war when they get there; Satine is adamant about maintaining neutrality despite the possibility of Separatist involvement, but Obi-Wan cautions her that this might not be a viable choice.

As the Coronet enters hyperspace, the clones Redeye and Mixer are ambushed by an assassin probe. Rex gets in touch with Obi-Wan when he can't locate the two clones, and Anakin goes to help them look. They find a cargo container that is strangely open and missing its contents. Anakin informs Obi-Wan, who is having dinner with Satine and a number of Senators. Anakin and the clones find and destroy the assassin probe, but a second one ascends in a turbolift toward the dining area. Obi-Wan eliminates the second probe, and both groups are then assaulted by a swarm of tiny SD-K4a mini-assassin droids that were hidden inside the larger ones. The probe killers are destroyed in the subsequent combat, and Anakin later learns from a protocol droid that one of the four Senators now on board the ship ordered the box holding the droids; Obi-Wan finds one assassin droid still alive and makes the decision to run an experiment. He presents each of the four Senators to the droid, one at a time, while holding it on a dinner plate. The droid tries to attack Senators Orn Free Taa, Onaconda Farr, and Kin Robb, but it remains calm when Tal Merrik, the Senator from [Kalevala](/article/kalevala], is nearby, exposing him as the traitor. Merrik takes Satine as a hostage and flees the area. Merrik heads to the cockpit and murders the crew as Anakin and the clones finish off the remaining assassin droids. He takes the ship out of hyperspace and calls Pre Vizsla, who dispatches three boarding ships carrying B2-series super battle droids to assist Merrik on the Coronet.

Obi-Wan makes an attempt to apprehend Merrik as Anakin, Rex, Cody, the clones, and Satine's royal guard fend off the droids. Merrik, however, has booby-trapped the ship's engines with explosives and warns Obi-Wan to stay away or he will set them off. Satine pleads with Obi-Wan to hold his position, and the Jedi stays back as Merrik pulls Satine toward one of the boarding ships. Satine finally tells Obi-Wan that she is in love with him; Obi-Wan replies that he would have given up the Jedi Order for her, which Merrik finds repulsive. Satine manages to break free of Merrik's grip and seize his blaster. Merrik starts to make fun of Satine and the Jedi, sneering that neither of them is brave enough to murder him: Satine will betray her pacifist beliefs if she kills him, while Kenobi will lose Satine's respect if he does. Obi-Wan and Satine hesitate, but before they can act, Anakin uses his lightsaber to stab Merrik from behind, killing him.

The Coronet eventually makes it to Coruscant, where Palpatine praises the Jedi for their efforts. Satine approaches Obi-Wan and playfully flirts with him, making a skeptical remark about his beard (which she claims hides too much of his handsome face), and Anakin and Obi-Wan watch Satine with admiration as she boards a speeder and departs.


The deleted scene "Obi-Wan Destroys Assassin Droid" is included in the Jedi Temple Archives feature on The Complete Season Two Blu-ray.

Mixer and Redeye's armor markings are missing in the second shot of them when the clone troopers are seen patrolling the hold following the scene with Anakin and Obi-Wan in the turbolift.

Pre Vizsla's character model was not finished when this episode was being made, thus he appears from the head down in clone trooper armor covered by a cloak that features a Mythosaur skull on the back, which would be replaced with the Death Watch symbol on his later character model.

Darth Vader's theme is clearly audible in the background after Anakin kills Merrick.


