Vleen Argoe

Vleen Argoe was the overseer of the Shvash Gas Cooperative, which was based at the Gelgelar Free Port on the world of Gelgelar.


She would buy Shvash gas from the harvesters for a price of 50 credits for each ton, and then sell it on to traders at a price between 75 and 120 credits per ton (in addition to a 25 credit deposit for each pressurized container). Vleen was not skilled in business matters, and she barely made enough money to survive from her Shvash gas trading activities.

She developed a fascination with the flames created by the Shvash gas; she would frequently spend her entire day in her office, igniting small items and smoking hand-rolled cigarras. Vleen always carried a small mini-flamer to light her cigarras, and she was often sidetracked by the flames it generated.


  • Platt's Starport Guide (First mentioned)
  • Platt's Smugglers Guide
